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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. Ok, your map attached with bump modified from above to work with G4X. New pic below to show where to find the settings. Your trigger setup is still wrong in your map as it is not clear what you have for triggers. Can you explain better what you have on the cam and crank on your engine. 1uzstormx bump fixed.pclx
  2. On top of Vaughan's suggestion, I would also make sure you put a timing light on both trailing plugs to confirm they are the right way around, and not 180 out. The lambda is also very noisy like it is maybe only running on one rotor? And have you confirmed base timing? With the set base timing screen open (timing locked) does it hold steady when you rev it?
  3. I just looked that up on google, thats a weird idea, It must send the high voltage from the original coil straight back to the battery? If you can it wouldnt be a bad idea to unplug that temporarily and run it on the stock coilk just as a test to see if the noise disappears from the triggerscope. I dont think that spike we see is coming from the trigger, it appears to be ignition noise getting into the system somewhere.
  4. Why do you think the heater needs to be connected to the ecu? With any wideband the heater can only be controlled by the wideband controller. The only thing that should be connected to the ecu is the 0-5V analog output.
  5. Adamw

    link ecu Tune help

    As above it really needs to go to a tuner, anything else we are just guessing which may just make things worse.
  6. An oscilation is an unstable control loop - it means your throttle PID needs work. Best way to do this is leave it in set up mode, set up a time plot with TP main and TP target overlaid and adjust PID one at a time while moving the throttle - you will soon see the effect that each setting has. Do these engines have the clutched throttle like a 1UZ? I dont see any aux output set up for the clutch. There are settings for the 1UZ throttle in the help file.
  7. The help file sums it up pretty well. To get all benefits from modelled you need good injector data, a fuel press sensor and a fuel temp sensor.
  8. Correct. Can you attach your ECU map.
  9. Yep, add the boost parameters below as well as percentage Fcut and percentage Icut.
  10. It looks like youve got something coming through your ground circuit as there is a spike on both triggers at the same time. Looks like the spark event form just one cylinder. Is there anything different in one cylinder like a non-resistor spark plug or something? Try bumping the arming threshold on trigger 2 at 1000RPM up top about 1.5 or 2V might help. Also check your rotor phasing - to do this, turn the engine over by hand to about 15-20°BTDC, then pull the distributor cap off and make sure the rotor is nicely centered under one of the cap posts. If not, rotate the distributor body until it does, lock it up, then set your trigger offset again to correct base timing.
  11. You really need to do a PC log so all the relevant paramaters are logged. Cant really tell you anything from that. It doesnt look like there is much closed loop action going on so possibly needs more derivative.
  12. It will mean your basic VE numbers are off, but I would still expect it to behave correctly. Earlier you had a log where the AFR changed with fan status even when the car was driving (ie not idle), so I dont think putting a hole in the VE around the idle area is going to be the solution. I would probably take care of it by trying something more like Ducie's suggestion of a 4D fuel table activated with the fan.
  13. Note, unless you have an aftermarket ECU, this will not work. The output from the factory ECU (which has an ignitor built-in), produces the exact opposite signal of what these coils require. You will fry the coils in a matter of minutes, and if it does actually run for more than a minute then your ignition timing will give extreme advanace with RPM as your coils will be firing on the dwell edge rather than the spark edge.
  14. That track still looks intact to me, it has been very hot so it has burnt the soldermask and other coatings off, but the copper still appears to be in one piece, so it should still work fine. This probably would have happened due to the short in your coil wiring.
  15. It looks to me like the change in pulsewidth is just from the change in MAP. In the screenshot above your MAP is about 48Kpa before the fan turns on and about 54kpa after. That is an increase of about 14%, so for the same VE, with 14% higher MAP, the PW would be increased by 14% also. The change in fuel pressure should be taken care of with the reference set to FP sensor.
  16. Can you attach the log.
  17. It is losing sync due to a trigger error. Can you do a trigger scope with the engine idling.
  18. Start somewhere around 17ms then adjust up or down to make it happy once it is started.
  19. Adamw

    G35 Lambda Setup.

    Connect to pin 16 & 35 as I suggested and it will work.
  20. Adamw

    R53 mini ecu unlock

    You could use Aux1 on the expansion connector, or Inj 5 or 6 on the main plug which were originally used to control the O2 sensor heaters.
  21. The 5 calibration points you quote match our "Bosch Std NTC" calibration - so you dont even need a cal table.
  22. Try the attached file, I have flattened out the ign table around the idle entry area and change the idle ign table set up. For this to work well you will want toi get the engine warmed up, then adjust the throttle stop screw while watching the idle ign table in PC link until the cursor is bouncing around as close as poss to the 10deg cells in the idle ign table. Say somewhere within that pink window below. Try this.pclr
  23. Adamw

    IS300 can issues

    Not a whole lot we can do sorry. We dont make or market a IS300 ECU, I assume Xcessive modify our Altezza ECU and market it as a IS300 ecu? All I can tell you is our ecu works fine in an Altezza, from your information it sounds like possibly there are some differences in the BEAN communication network (note it is not CAN in these cars, it is a Toyota propriety system known as BEAN). It is really on them to fix it as we cant be expected to source a car and spend time troubleshooting it when it is not even a product we have developed.
  24. Adamw

    Gear Detection

    You map shows you are still on old firmware which is why gear detection isnt working. Anyhow, attached your map with manually entered gear ratios. Gear ratios fixed.pclx
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