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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. In your first pic it shows a valid signal, but you have the 24T sensor connected to trig 2 and the signal tooth to trig 1, they need to be swapped.
  2. It it happens again please do a short PC log. It sounds like you possibly have a faulty sensor that is overloading the 5V rail.
  3. So why wouldnt you use the channel "fuel pressure"? Or are you talking about WMI?
  4. Yes, all of the same limiter settings are available for a GP limit in the Atom as per the launch control in the bigger ecu's.
  5. What do you mean by methanol pressure? Fuel pressure is already transmitted in the generic stream - is that not what you want?
  6. Ok, I notice your E-throttle PID is set up very soft too, the throttle is not following the target well after a quick pedal movement. I dont really like tuning E-throttle without being there in person, but I have just made a conservative change in this attached file to see if it helps. Can you load this file and do a log of some throttle pedal movement (engine doesnot need to be running), do some fast movements and some slow movements. Dont drive the car with this file, just use it to make the log then load your old file back in until I check the log and confirm it is controlling well. 23.09_Linkecu-AdamIdleTweak-1-MapV3.pclr
  7. 1453093317_testplexCANSDM-500 with Eth.pclr Volcom86 with Eth.pdc
  8. Attach your tune and a log. It is likely your base position is wrong and therefore pushing the idle above the lockout so idle control never kicks in.
  9. Can you update me tomorrow if 6.16 is still working reliably, then can you update to 6.18 and confirm that the no sync issue comes back. I will then feed that back to engineering and see how to diagnose from there. This just connects a 12V pull-up to a circuit on the ignitor, this is needed to make the tacho work on some 1800 models.
  10. I dont have all the details on exactly what was changed, but it was something to do with the early 6.16 only worked fine with wasted spark ignition but didnt always sync correctly with direct spark ign, so it was a fix to correct that. But the weird thing is the Evo 1-6 trigger mode uses exactly the same code/trigger pattern as MX5 so it seems there are plenty of users out there running the new version successfully. Not sure why it is picking on you...
  11. Go for a ceramic cap so polarity doesnt matter. https://uk.farnell.com/vishay/k105z20y5ve5th5/ceramic-capacitor-1uf-25v-y5v/dp/5812770 And you only need a 1/4W resistor, example: https://uk.farnell.com/multicomp/mcf-0-25w-22k/res-22k-5-250mw-axial-carbon-film/dp/9339310
  12. Firing order in the software must be entered correctly 153624. But for wasted spark, coils need to be wired differntly, Ign output 1 to cyl 1&6, Ign 2 to cyl 5&2, Ign 3 to cyl 3&4.
  13. Adamw

    Base map HELP

    Our V10 map would be a close starting point.
  14. Yes any of them will drive a relay fine.
  15. Try this. Your coolant temp sensor seems very odd during cold start. It sits at exactly 28deg for the first two minutes without moving, then suddenly ramps up to 70deg in about 1 minute? Im not sure if you are going to get repeatable cold start with that but see how it goes. For the next log, with it idling warm, can you turn AC on/off a couple of times, ad move gear lever from P to D and back a couple of times. If starting is still an issue, try putting some numbers in the start up step table, rather than messing with the base position. Linkecu-AdamIdleTweak-1-Map V2.pclr
  16. A lot of the common ford zetec or duratec crank sensors from late '90s to mid 2000's are simple shapes and well proven reluctor types. Some examples below. Otherwise you could probably get something like this for similar money which might be easier to mount: https://www.msel.co.nz/epages/motorsportelectronics.sf/en_NZ/?ObjectPath=/Shops/motorsportelectronics/Products/SENSPD500
  17. I cant share the internal documentation as it may have some sensative info related to sync strategy etc. But below is a capture from a V11 that Im working on, notice the cam is inverted compared to yours. Our Internal documentation for EJ25 VVT shows the same pattern as mine. Mine: Yours:
  18. Ok, it looks like your dash set up is wrong, you had no receive set up on CAN 2 and you had the Link RS232 receive turned on. So try the file below, I had disabled the RS232 and loaded a CAN receive template. Volcom86.pdc
  19. I have never really used EGT's as a safety tool so dont have a lot of advice. Adding fuel doesnt usually make much difference assuming you are already richer than stoich. If you are leaner than stoich due to a fuel issue or something, then adding fuel actually increases EGT. Unless you are regularly exceeding what you think is a safe EGT then as a safety I would probably just do a limp mode type limiter if it were something I was worried about. As above, fuel is not often useful to control excessive EGT. But if you wanted to you would enable the individual cyl fuel trims, and make a table something like below for each cyl. This example would add 20% fuel to cyl 1 if EGT 1 went above 749°C at high boost, and add 10% fuel if boost was below 100kpa.
  20. Ok, I have talked to the firmware engineer and he cant see what is causing the problem either. It appears to be a firmware issue but we cant reproduce what you are seeing on the bench. There were some recent changes made to the MX5 trigger mode so the engineer asked if you can roll back to 6.16 firmware and try it to see if it is related to these recent changes. I have attached the 6.16 firmware file. To use this perform a firmware update process as normal, but use the browse button to navigate to and pick the attached file. If this test doesnt give us any clues then I think the next step will be to give you a special firmware version with some extra debugging tools added to give us more info. G4xApplication-6.16.27.img
  21. Adamw

    dual fuel pumps

    Set the 2nd pump aux output as GP output, then give it conditions, I would suggest one of the conditions is the main pump is running - then the second pump gets shut off with the first for safety. Example below, main pump is on Aux 1, 2nd pump is on Aux 2, so second pump will come on above 120Kpa provided main pump is on.
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