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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. The triggerscope shows no data, did you click capture while it was actually cranking? Can you try again?.
  2. Adamw

    PCLink Message

    That seems very odd. I think to rule out a whole lot of possibilities I would power it up on the bench with just 12V on pin 5 and gnd on 34 and see if firmware update goes smoother then. If not then I would be suspicious there is an issue with the USB chip. However, if it does appear reliable on the bench then I would start unplugging other devices in the car or get a scope on the power supply to see what is going on. It sounds almost like excessive AC ripple from a bad alternator diode or something but that would only be in effect when engine is running. The .18 firmware does have some extra comms recovery strategies built in to help in noisy situations but it sounds like this is more serious than a small interruption.
  3. I suspect your CAS voltage may not be quite reaching your arming thresholds. Can you change both trig 1 & 2 arming thresholds to match below and try again:
  4. Its meant to stop the engine right away - as soon as the ignition switch DI goes off it cuts fuel and spark. The only thing that should stay alive is the ECU.
  5. You are pretty limited in what you can do with CAN AN V channels. What else are you doing with CAN AN V2 - is it torque reduction only? If you could swap it to CAN DI or CAN TC#8 for instance, then you will be able to switch your E-throttle table with it.
  6. I suspect that is the MAP sensor? Im not particularly knowledgeable on the Subaru's, but your original one is probably on the strut tower or firewall. You can either keep your original one or move the wires from the original to the new one.
  7. Adamw

    WRX V4 knock setup

    Yeah, try more gain. It is unusual to need that much gain so it may suggest there is a wire broken or bad connection but try increasing it and see if you get a signal that looks like it represents knock.
  8. In G4+ the "trigger 2 VVT" setting only applied if the cam that was connected to trigger 2 had VVT, the K20 doesnt have VVT on the exhaust so that setting wasnt relevant. In G4X all VVT settings are moved to the VVT folder - and obviously there are only intake VVT settings for this engine. Your G4X trigger settings will look something like below:
  9. I dont have a monsoon to test but I can ask one of the other guys at work to if we suspect there is a problem. Hold power is working fine in both my cars though. So it sounds more like a backfeed. If its not a big job, can you unplug all other devices that are connected to aux outputs and see if it then shuts down ok. ISC and VVT would just be a matter of unplugging the solenoids, fuel pump and fan would be pulling the relay.
  10. Correct, switch the position of those two wires with each other. I dont have one of those specific plugs to look at, but typically you need to poke something like a safety pin or jewelers screewdriver into the pin side and lift the little barb/tang up to free the terminal. Pic from google:
  11. The ABS sensor should work connected direct to a DI, the pull-up will need to be off. The DI needs to see a bit over 1V so ABS sensors often wont reach that level and start working until over about 20kmh. Did you reach that speed when testing? But yes, the R33 VSS would be a better option as you may exceed the max frequency of the DI at high speed with an ABS sensor too.
  12. You will need to give a bit more detail on what you have wired and which pump you want to work under what conditions. Attach your tune too.
  13. Correct, it uses TP still so its not going to work in quiet throttle mode.
  14. Sorry, yes, DI 5,7,8 or 9 will do.
  15. You are on old firmware too, so update to the latest as there have been several changes to trigger strategies in more recent versions
  16. Please attach the tune. edit: and a trigger scope while it is cranking
  17. Assuming you have the WRX104 ecu, then it is likely just the jumpers. These swap what pin the ignition switch signal is received from and which pin controls the main relay.
  18. OBD2 only works at 250 or 500Kbit, the onboard Toyota BEAN converter runs at 1Mbit so you wont be able to run OBD2 on CAN 2. Check with tech support next week but I suspect if you ship the ecu back they will fix the CAN1 port. I think it was just the first batch of boards that didnt have CAN1 connected.
  19. Adamw

    WRX V4 knock setup

    Will need your log and tune. All the G4X range has internal knock hardware and we havent sold the external knock device since about 2014 so the external option is no longer relevant. My runtime screen has this: If you are using the latest PC link then you should load the default 1366 x 768 or 1920 x 1080 layout and you will have a dedicated knock tuning page with most settings and parameters you need to tune it.
  20. No the adapter loom is wrong. The IS300 ecu doesnt even use that adapter loom. You will need to swap the two wires in position O15 and O16.
  21. Ok that worked. So it looks like trigger 1 and 2 are swapped (cam is wired to crank, crank is wired to cam). Originally you said "im using a plug n play in an is300", but we dont make a plug-in for those. Is this using our Altezza plug-in with a modified loom? or the JZX plug-in? or a wire in ECU with some 3rd party adapter loom?
  22. Adamw

    dashboard arduino

    Looking at your code that you posted earlier, you will need a "break" at the end of case 130. If that still doesnt help, then to diagnose further I would start by commenting out all the other cases except RPM and you could try reducing bit rate to 250K to see if that helps. Many of the arduino CAN libraries are quite poorly written and dont loop fast enough or have enough buffer to work reliably especially with compound messages, which is why I said right at the start to send only one frame per ID. But generally if there is only 3 or 4 frames it should be ok.
  23. The stall in that log is not caused by idle settings, I suspect the cold start enrichment or possibly a couple of cells in your fuel table arent quite right but with no lambda we cant really tell.
  24. 350Z TB pinout is in the help file: Wiring Information > Output Wiring > E-Throttle > Specific E-Throttle Applications > Nissan VQ35 You will have to search online for the pedal.
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