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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. Adamw

    Supply Voltage

    The ECU will shut down at about 6.8V. The A-D's start to lose accuracy below about 7.0V.
  2. Do you have a realistic RPM showing in the software when cranking? Say 150-250RPM. Can you attach the map you currently have.
  3. Either could be. You adjust the gains so that you see equal knock levels reported on all cylinders. Typically the cylinders that are further away from the sensor need higher gain so I would say if the knock sensor is somewhere near the centre of the engine on these then the bottom set of gains look more like what I would expect. The best frequency for knock detection can be biased by many modifications so what works well for someone else may not be right for you. For instance hanging a different turbo/manifold off the side of an engine will usually change its knock signature.
  4. The 350Z table is definitely more suitable than your one. For the WOT row, usually around 0.86-0.89 lambda will be about right for an engine like this. For idle, some engines are happier slightly richer than stoich - just try it a bit either side of 1.0 to see where it is happiest.
  5. There is Link formatted data on ID's website: http://help.injectordynamics.com/helpdesk/attachments/4057295777 choose the worksheet closest to the base pressure you intend to run and copy/paste it straight into your map.
  6. The aux output will send out a 0-12V square wave of 50% DC. Is speed reading correctly in PC Link?
  7. What are you trying to achieve over a more common automotive sensor? The biggest absolute pressure range they do is 30psi (so 15psi max boost), and it doesnt appear to be designed to handle fuel vapours. The common automotive MAP sensors usually have only fluorosilicone wetted so they are quite resistant to most fuels.
  8. Any brake or clutch input will cancel cruise control, so your proposal is fine. Wire DI6 so it only sees the clutch switch and set DI 6 to clutch switch (the clutch switch will also disable cruise).
  9. Hi Timo, We have had this reported by a couple of users now, so we believe it is a bug. We havent been able to reproduce it in house yet last time I heard so I will pass your log on to engineering so they have more info to help find the problem.
  10. I would say the timing doesnt look unusally high for 8.2CR with E85, but it also doesnt look tuned at all to me, it looks like someone has just made up the numbers. Why have so many rows with exactly the same numbers on them? You would be better to just delete them all. Seems pretty odd to have the same timing at 207Kpa than you have at 138Kpa. And as JMP says, that big step between 1500 & 2000 is gnarly.
  11. There is no way to do it with position feedback in our current firmware. Something like this could be used: https://www.pololu.com/product/3142 The ECU boost solenoid PWM output can be set up to duplicate a "hobby RC servo" type position output to command this motor controller. The motor controller takes the analog feedback from the position sensor and handles the closed loop position control onboard. I've never used one personally but in theory it should work.
  12. Looks like it is showing a reasonable trend to me. Knock level global as far as I know is the unwindowed/unprocessed raw level from the knock input and I suspect it is not relevent when using the external processing system. You need to use the knock level 1 & 2. Since you are wasted spark, 3 & 4 will just be identical to 1 & 2.
  13. @Brad Burnett has itb's with DBW on his Beams AE86. From memory a S54 BMW throttle motor. Good work on the dash by the way. I can imagine how many hours go in to learning all that stuff. Even stuff like the 3D printing has quite a learning curve...
  14. Yes you could probably just use 2D, you might need a second axis if for instance idle oil pressure drops low when the oil is hot. But something like below would be a starting point, engine wont fire until there is at least 10psi.
  15. I would avoid a stepper motor, but two solenoids connected to the same output should be fine - just check they dont pull more than 2A total. The common 2 wire Bosch ones from BMW etc would probably be plenty big enough.
  16. I cant quite understand the last bit of your question, but the "fuel table ratio table" is "percentage of table 2". So 0% in that table means it is using table 1 only (0% of table 2). 100% in there means it is only using table 2. 50% would mean it is interpolating exactly halfway between the two tables.
  17. A couple of comments after looking at your tune... Turn off the IAT trim table. The air density is already taken care of in the modelled fuel equation based on the charge temp estimation. IAT trim table should not normally be needed unless you have to work around a heat soak issue or some other effect manually. Your charge temp approximation table looks a bit unrealistic and means the effect of the hot manifold and port walls are not being considered. The example from the help file below will be a better starting point. I would turn closed loop lambda off while you are tuning as that will have you chasing your tail.
  18. They are stored in the tune/.pclr. Note you can also export any table if you want to copy them out of some other map or save a copy to your hard drive somewhere for future use etc. Right click on table>import/export>export as file. The linear cals 4,5,6 cant be exported.
  19. Can you just do a pc log as it is now so we can first confirm if the noise levels being reported by the system looks like it follows some sort or realistic trend.
  20. You have the right idea, but engine runtime on the axis is not going to work. The engine isnt considered running until it is above 400RPM so the engine run time is never going to count up in this case. You could instead use a general purpose timer that resets based on some other parameters such as RPM above 20 or similar. Personally I think it would be better to fit an oil pressure sensor and base the limit on actual oil pressure - then you can also use the same table for safety at high RPM where oil pressure is far more important.
  21. A rev limit is active there is no combustion so that removes all compressive load from the connecting rod so I dont think it could be related to that. When an engine is sitting on a limiter for an extended period of time, the irregular firing events does create more torsional vibration in the crankshaft and this is well known to shorten crankshaft life - but I cant see how this could place any more stress on the connecting rod. The "adaptive" limiter mode is designed to minimise the extra crankshaft stress by randomizing the cut pattern to reduce harmonics. I think if it were detonation related you would see effects on the piston, spark plugs and rod bearings first. So, im my opinion if you are seeing compression related failures on the conrods and there are no signs of detonation then it would suggest you are exceeding the torque capability of the connecting rod.
  22. The accel channels only work with the Thunder ECU which has built in accelerometers. You should be able to use the gearshift control function to do the downshift blip. It will look at clutch switch and throttle position to determine if it is an upshift or downshift and apply the appropriate strategy from there.
  23. Our Supra base map is set up as traditional. None of these settings are in a traditional base map. If you change to modelled then you must enter the correct settings to suit your engine & fuel. That includes injector size, injector characteristics, engine size, fuel properties, etc. You will also need to load in a fuel table that is suitable for VE as the traditional table will not be.
  24. Connect to the factory knock sensor wiring. Bosch 0 261 231 006 is a common wideband part number.
  25. Adamw

    R34 GTT E-throttle

    Do you have is set to run when stalled? If not it will only work when the engine is running. If thats not the problem then please attach a short log of you working the pedal.
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