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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. Adamw


    Also read the "known problems" section of the manual. For the R34 you normally need to rewire the air-con relay to allow the ECU to power down.
  2. If you ate using traditional equation, adjust the fuel master up until it runs reasonably. If you are using modeled equation then adjust your injector flow rate setting down until it runs reasonably.
  3. I just changed my original post here. Im not sure if the ECU is actually doing any boost control in the screenshot above. Can you share your log file on google drive or onedrive etc.
  4. Make sure the 12V side of the relay coil is ignition switched like the diagram below. Yep, that will be fine. Obviously, you will need to set base timing so that when the ECU thinks it is giving you 30degs, it actually is giving you 30. I will message you about a tuner.
  5. It is not clear if you are asking a question or just making a statement? Your MAP limit is activating because your boost is reaching the value set in your MAP limit table. The MAP limit default control range is 10KPa if advanced mode is turned off so yours will start to limit at about 31.5Psi absolute. Note you have your boost target table set up with MAP on the axis, so that "13psi" is actually absolute. You will have a hard time targeting a boost level below atmosphere.
  6. What country/city are you in? That would work but I think it might get messy once you start adding power supply for the injectors, fuel pump relay, temp sensors, etc... If it were me I would just pull the unused wires out of the connector for now and add them back in later when you need them. Unused wires can be extracted from the connector easily with no special tools.
  7. The sensor shown in your photo looks like a littlefuse 55505, or Honeywell 1GT101DC and ZF GS1012 are almost identical. Any of these are easy to get and work well for cam sync. The threaded ones are often easy to mount also, so have a look at something like a ZF GS1005 too.
  8. As per iecku's advice, your main issue will be the individual cylinder gains are all at zero and knock detection is turned off for all cylinders.
  9. Adamw

    Subaru knock problem

    In the screenshot below you can see the knock control system retarding the timing in two areas, first at about 6:07 and then again at 6:11. The retard at 6:07 is because Cyl#2 went above the knock threshold. The retard at 6:11 however appears unexplained as all knock levels are displayed still below the threshold. The reason for this is due to the way the knock level is displayed/logged, the ECU obviously works much faster in real time but the PC logged/displayed data is only captured at 40Hz and also has some filtering applied. There would have been a small spike in the knock level above the thresehold in this area but the logging just has not captured it. If you are still using the narrowband sensor then yes it would be most appropriate to use 13Hz.
  10. What problem did you have? DI7 or 8 should do an ethanol sensor ok.
  11. Sorry CJ posted just before me but I will leave it here anyhow. Here is an oil pressure example from the help file: For a warning lamp to be activated whenever this Oil press limit is active you would use a GP Aux with set up like below:
  12. The 60-2 crankshaft wheel is used for the engine speed and angle information, all critical timed events are calculated from this. The single tooth on the cam is only used for "sync" basically it tells the ECU whether the next TDC event on the crankshaft is # 1 cylinder or #4 so the position,/resolution/accuracy/location of this is not important. In your case you would use the 60-2 on the crank as the main trigger (trigger 1), and on the CAS you would only wire the one inner sensor that reads the single inner slot to trigger 2. The 24 slots around the outside will not be used at all. I suspect the CAS kit you are looking at is designed for engines that dont have the 60-2 flywheel, so they use the 24 slots for trigger 1 and the single slot for trigger 2.
  13. Your math looks ok. However, for the AFR/Lambda target table, the ECU will not know the stoichometric ratio of the fuel is changing so you will need to treat this table in "Lambda" - set units to lambda initially and fill in the table using Lambda values (i.e 0.800 lambda). CLL auto mode should still work correctly.
  14. It should work but it looks like the sensor ground may be tied to chassis ground in the gauge so I would only connect the signal wire to the ecu only (dont splice the ground to the ecu).
  15. Yeah, unfortunately, we havent had a request or need to implement "start position" parameter over CAN receive yet. If your button is only "start" and not the same button for start/stop then your proposal above should work. Depending on how many spare I/O you have you another option would be to hard-wire an aux output to a DI set up as start position, then control that aux via CAN. This is the way you would go if your button needed the start/stop logic.
  16. Our info suggests the M54 is the same as the M52, it is the older low pressure vanos that has only one solenoid per cam. The S54 is the high press system and has 2 solenoids per cam. Im not sure if there really are "two cam sensors" per cam but we are expecting a single tooth "half-moon" type tooth on both cams. They appear to be at the front of the engine behind the sprockets. Inlet cam sensor to trigger 2 and Exhaust cam to a DI. Set trigger mode and VVT mode to BMW M52.
  17. Hi Antoine, I dont see much wrong in your settings. If you confirmed the aux outputs are controlling the correct VVT solenoid (i.e, not swaped). With engine off, ignition on, you can set Aux 1 to "Test (PWM)" to check the correct solenoid clicks. Can you also do a PC log with the engine running so we can see if there are any other clues.
  18. Adamw

    G4+ Plugin v5/6 & AVCS

    Yes it can be done with a bit of wire shuffling. The 2 extra cam sensors need to be wired to DI 1 & 2, these inputs were originally used for the start signal and the power steer signal. These can be moved to DI 7&8 on the expansion connector instead to free up DI1&2. You dont really even need the start signal. The AVCS solenoids need to be wired to Aux 1 & 2 which were originally used for fuel pump and wastegate valve. Similarly these wires can be moved to Ign 7&8 on the same expansion connector to free those pins up. Aux 3 may also be another option if air conditioning is not needed.
  19. Adamw

    mixture map filter

    Im not sure on this without testing myself, but I suspect the reported target would be the average of all samples taken that fit into your filters - just like the reported "Actual". Could the variation you are seeing be explained by interpolation of the surrounding cells or are you seeing more difference than that?
  20. They are "Multilock 040" series. You will find them at your local Mouser or Digikey etc. There are many part numbers depending on the type of plating you want and wire size etc, but one example for 18-22AWG, tin plated = #179417-1
  21. You can do the blend using staged injection function but I dont see a good way to blend between 2 VE and Ign tables using staged injection as the control variable. CLL should still work fine. Why would you even need two VE & Ignition tables if your eth content is based on boost - as long as your main fuel and ign tables have MAP on one axis then that is going to be directly rated to eth content and take care of itself. Wouldnt you only need 2 tables if you were going to vary the eth content by some other parameter that was not already referenced in the table? To clarify, I would not use modelled-multifuel mode for this, I would set it up just like a single fuel, staged setup. Primaries one fuel, secondaries are the 2nd fuel, using the flow ratio method.
  22. Can you do a short PC Log of it cranking and also post a copy of your most recent map. Here is a video how to set up and run the PC Log - this is for a G4+ but you will find the procedure is similar for the V series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_P1LRANeO4A
  23. Yeah, you are probably firing on exhaust stroke. Add 360 to your current offset. So try 304.
  24. It should be multitooth/missing, 60-2 on crank, set trigger 2 to Cam level. I recently done a X20 and its trigger offset was -120, so yours will likely be similar.
  25. Can you attach your current map so I can take a look at your settings - usually an openloop setup with MGP on one axis works well. If you run wastegate only and no ECU control is the boost control stable and repeatable?
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