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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. When a DI is used for a Cam position its status parameter will always show "off", so what you are seeing here is normal. Your cam control is probably working fine. The best place to check is open runtimes screen (F12 key), move to VVT tab. Check parameters Inlet LH & Inlet RH status - if they show active you are good.
  2. Adamw

    Using 4D fuel table?

    Set Equation load source to MAP, then put TP on your main fuel table axis. If you are using traditional mode then make sure open loop lambda table is turned on and put MAP or MGP on its Y axis. MAP will then be taken care of automatically in the background and the open loop lambda table will take care of the fact that you want a richer mixture at higher boost. You will unlikely need a 4D table or BAP/MAP Xover mode.
  3. As above, this was fixed some time ago. Update to the latest firmware.
  4. Adamw

    ALS not working

    It can be whatever you want it to be, but you can see in the photo above his is set to TP(main). TP is the more logical choice to me since it is more directly related to what the engine is seeing.
  5. Adamw

    ALS not working

    You have your E-throttle table set up to hold the throttle open 20% when antilag is turned on, but in your Antilag ign cut table you have no cut at 20% throttle.
  6. Hi Rich, Quick tune is really designed for steady state tuning on a dyno, mixture map is the tool you want for tuning from logs.
  7. Adamw

    ALS not working

    It seems like you might misunderstand what antilag is for? Antilag is generally only setup to be active during idle and overrun conditions when the throttle is "closed" (or more accurately when the pedal is fully up). You need to go above the "AL Enable TP" to "arm" the system, but it is usually set up to only provide ign cut and retard at small throttle openings. If you tell us how you want it to work and attach your map we might be able to help.
  8. Adamw

    Motec PDM to Fury CAN

    I just had time to have a closer look at this and do some testing today. I havent been able to get a reliable latching or toggle type logic for a momentary CAN DI working with the existing tools in G4+ PCLink. This really needs some new functionality added to the firmware to achieve these types of inputs direct from a Motec CAN keypad. However, since you have a PDM, it seems we can use the PDM to do this logic for us. I just had a brief play with the PDM software and I could assign a keypad key press to toggle on/off a custom channel, then I could add that channel to a "CAN output". The ECU would then receive a latched CAN DI signal from the PDM rather than a momentary. Also the PDM will also be able to take care of the LED status lamps too.
  9. Here is a good visual explanation of how the Ford Hi Slope/Low Slope works: http://injectordynamics.com/articles/ford-injector-characterization/ I have a spreadsheet to do it but unfortunately it's not mine to share. Since we are looking at just the difference between two straight intercepting lines it is fairly easy to do with standard Excel tools.
  10. Ok, you can calculate that using the LSCOMP/HSCOMP. Heres what I get: Having said that, with a 830cc injector in a typical car engine, the ECU will unlikely ever access this table. I doubt it will be any different than having it full of zeros.
  11. He has removed the second tooth as advised by us. That is irrelevant unless these WRC escorts used a Link G4+ ECU. You should not be making suggestions like this when you have no idea how our trigger decoding works. This user had already tried duratec mode with massive errors. You are correct in that the trigger 2 teeth are only observed during certain windows of crankshaft rotation but you dont know where these are and since the user fitted his own trigger wheel you also dont know where his gap is in relation to TDC or the phase teeth. You may have got lucky on the one you fitted but it is very unlikely to work reliably for every 36-1 YB install.
  12. This is not correct, narrowband sensors have absolutely no impact on "Lambda average". Lambda average is calculated directly from the "Lambda 1" "Lambda 2, 3, 4....8 parameters (and any that are reading zero are ignored). You cant assign a narrowband to any of these. The only other thought I have is you possibly had CLL set to narrowband mode so it was only looking at the narrowband sensor and not looking at the wideband at all.
  13. I'm not sure what woody is on about, your MAP is set up fine and appears to be reading correctly with about 50KPa at idle. Lambda and PW is in the log too. The main problem I see is you still have trigger errors. Perhaps the crank sensor is wired backwards?
  14. I linked to the full Ford data sheet in that thread. what data do you need that is missing?
  15. Actually, the Storm doesnt have automode CLL, only the Xtreme and higher ECUs.
  16. Adamw

    CAN Keypad

    I just had a quick look at the manuals for a couple of the common ones (motec and racegrade), they dont seem to have built in latch functions for the keys so they are going to be difficult to make work with our present firmware (not impossible but difficult).
  17. A quick google suggests the LS1 oil pressure sensor is a 3 wire unit. It will most likely be a linear 0-5V output, you will not need a pull-up or calibration table like the VDO sensor in this thread subject.
  18. Your misfire is definitely due to the trigger error, in the log you can see there is a 100% ignition cut being applied every time there is a spike in the RPM trace. It would be nice to keep the 36-1 provided it is a reasonably well fitted trigger system and not something just hacked together and flimsy. So assuming that the 36-1 is well made then the best option will be to remove one of the "phase" teeth. I would say the Lambda is dropping out due to your battery voltage issue. Get the charging system working and report back.
  19. We will need a log and map to see the reason. There is no "time limit" in any of our standard launch control functions.
  20. http://forums.linkecu.com/topic/7477-siemens-deka-875cc-injector-data/ Same injector.
  21. The 1.15Bar sensor calibration is in the list. The intake manifold on the UZ looks reasonably well designed from a symmetry point of view so I wouldnt expect significant bank to bank variation. You could probably get away with just one probe.
  22. The first thing I notice in your log is there is significant relationship between lambda and battery voltage. Every time you have a bump in battery voltage your lambda spikes rich (without a change in inj PW), this could possibly be your dead times are very wrong but I suspect since your battery voltage is also very low you may a have a wiring/ground problem. So I wouldnt trust the Lambda measurement until you get that fixed. If we could trust your lambda then I would say the fuel table needs some work - CLL is bottomed out at -10% for nearly the whole log. I notice your trigger offset hasnt been changed from our base map so have you set your base timing? Your ignition table is very conservative at light loads/cruise so that is going to make it fairly lethargic. Your Lambda overlay table should be turned off and the open loop lambda table should be turned on. Also turn off torque management (I dont think it will be doing anything but turn it off anyhow).
  23. Correct, these work like a 2 wire valve. Power to switched +12V. Ground to engine ground. Signal to ECU aux.
  24. We have a 1.15Bar MAP sensor that is ideal for NA engines: http://dealers.linkecu.com/1.15-Bar-MAP I dont know how you even got it to run with a MAF on that base map as its not intended for it at all - no wonder it was "running pretty rich"!.
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