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Everything posted by Simon

  1. The Upgrade does require hardware changes. As its a Vi-pec Ray Hall might do the mods required (hes now only doing a small amount of ECU work). If not would have to come back to NZ. Unfortunately the KMS CAN stream was only added to the I series so even with the hardware change isn't supported.
  2. You could I guess have a number of resistors and change the resistor to suit as required. A bit like MSD do for there adjustable RPM limit CDIs
  3. Are you seeing an RPM while cranking of around 200-250rpm? Any trigger errors? If you post your map as it is someone can also look over the basic set up.
  4. Simon

    Display Link

    Hardware no. There has been one firmware change to allow CAN communications but other wise no change.
  5. The Bosch 2 wire do tend to just work on just about all applications. But no reason not to try the stock sensor.
  6. If the pump wasn't running you could certainly have a short time of running and then engine dying. It would depend on how the immobiliser was wired and what functions it cut as to the effect you would see.
  7. The V5 supply error would be the big concern as this is the supply for the map sensor,TPS, and the temp input pullups. I would be looking for any shorts to ground on the 5V out wires.
  8. Main difference with the Series 4 is the arming voltages for both triggers will need to be much lower. Otherwise the set up will be very similar.
  9. Its not giving you a warning that the file is too big? As there are limits around the size of the image. It needs to be under 1M in file size I am not able to recreate the issues. As long as the file is an appropriate size it works. You can always email the image to me [email protected]
  10. Try moving your timing offset by 360. You could be firing on the exhaust stroke.
  11. With the wiring side the areas to look at would be any joins. Crimps between the loom and sensor plug and the pin connections at the ECU connector. It is possible that there is a bad connection.
  12. It will depend on the over all mixture, fuel table figures and the master. However if the mixture is ok (not massively rich) It might not be the injectors but the supply to them or the Injectors are too small. Dave will be able to spot this from the info you have sent.
  13. For ours you would need to set as Multi Tooth Trigger 1 Opto Hall Tooth count 12 Tooth position cam. Trigger 2 Opto/hall Sync mode cam x1 Falling edge for both triggers should work. Offset is an unknown.
  14. Simon

    Old Manuals

    I can email then to you if you flick an email to [email protected] Just let me know what ones you need.
  15. Screen shot of what I get. It could be we have an issue with the member privileges.
  16. When we tested here with ours, LC-1, LM-2, Motec LTC, New NTK and our Allen four gas, they were all basically identical to each other. I would be suspicious of the wiring or install. Especially if there is a constant offset over the entire range. All controllers should read lambda 1 at the same point, there is no excuse for not getting that right.
  17. Hi Mid Just click on the choose files link and then select the file to upload. Just make sure its not to big. It will give an error if this is the case.
  18. Simon


    As long as the expected ID's are the same and the speed is the same for both then yes this should be able to be done.
  19. I would assume it converts to a multi tooth trigger with a simple single tooth sync. But as to info I have none. Do you have a link to the kit or instructions for it?
  20. Yeah the plugin has dedicated low impedance hardware on the VL plugin. But it will operate the high impedance no problem. You can't go wrong with Dave giving you a hand.
  21. You can use those coils you will just need to wire as wasted spark using only ignition drives 1 and 2. They are a smart coils and will not require an external igniter. They also use a conventional dwell signal so no need to change the spark edge from falling.
  22. Simon

    LC2 Cal table

    You will need to use Cal 4,5 or 6 for this as the LC1 cal is different.
  23. Hi Richard The G3 firmware update program was a standalone program. Currently its not on the website but you can get it from https://www.dropbox.com/s/ht1ltlspk5gg90q/LinkUpdV1.9.2.zip?dl=0
  24. Hi Richard On the G3 there wasn't a GP limit option so no easy way to limit based on oil pressure. G4 upgrade would resolve this.
  25. Dave what is the file type you are posting?
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