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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. Provided you have done what is suggested above, the next step would be to do a log and attach that and a copy of your map here along with some detail about the engine so we have some data to work from. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_P1LRANeO4A
  2. Yes, any G4X map will load into any G4X ecu. The IO will be available in the software will change to match the hardware once it is loaded. Be aware anything that is assigned to IO that the monsoon doesnt have will be turned off - so for example if the plug-in map had fuel pump assigned to Aux 11 which the monsoon doesnt have, when you load that map into a monsoon the fuel pump output will be set to none.
  3. A log would help, but the first thing I notice is you have quite a lot of advance in the coast/light cruise area, this is good from the point of view that it will be efficient and making good torque in this area, but it does have the consequence of making entry and exit of overrun fuel cut very fussy to get seamless as you have zero torque when fuel is cut and significant torque as soon as it is reinstated. I would start by reducing the overrun fuel cut TP threshold to 0.5%, increase the activation delay to 1.5s and the torque reduction/introduction to 1.5 or 2.0s. Possibly increase retard to -15. If that doesnt get it smoother you may have to pull a bit of timing out of the main table around the ORFC deactivation RPM also.
  4. This is easier for me to understand than the Lua code originally quoted above. It looks like they actually wait to receive an "im awake" message from the steering? (0x1B200002) before sending the speed and counter messages. That might be a bit tricky to do in the Link user streams. That may not be needed though, especially since its only being transmitted at 2Hz you would think the steering ecu should be booted up by then. So we can give it a try without waiting for the Im awake message. The counter is quite easy, it is just 0x00,0x40, 0x80, 0xC0, which is really just 0/1/2/3 in the 2 most significant bits. @Venomancer Can you attach a copy of your tune and tell me what CAN port the steering is wired to and I will set up a couple of streams.
  5. Engine off. You should be able to do that if you wish. Does it really matter if you have 75 or 95% in the tank though? I haven't really seen any difference with anything above about 50%... You can use a math block to send ethanol content out in place of ECT. Set up below would send ethanol content out in place of ECT when virtual aux 2 is true. Move the ECT input to a GP temp, assign the native ECT to a math block, then set up the mathblock to swap between eth and GP temp. This example would just send out the raw Eth% as ECT - so 90% eth would sent out as 90°C on the CAN bus. I have no idea how the internal gauge scaling works so you may have to scale that eth output to make your gauge show what you want.
  6. The values come from the CAN template in RS3 so you must have something set up wrong in there. Can you attach the .xc1 CAN file.
  7. I think something like below would do it. I have a virtual aux set up to activate launch control when the clutch switch OR the Pit switch is active. In the 3D launch table I have the Pit switch on the Y axis so it will use the top row of the table for launch control or the bottom row for pit limiter. Then you can put gear on the X axis if you want to factor gear into the pit limit.
  8. I have seen the H-bridge reversed error on these throttles before. One of the tests the ecu does during calibration is it fully opens the throttle then shuts off power to the motor, it expects to see the throttle position move towards zero as the spring should pull it closed. However with some of the Toyota throttles it seems the friction from the extra gears and linkage etc must prevent them from naturally springing closed. If the ecu doesnt see the TPS move it thinks the throttle must already be closed, therefore reports the H bridge is reversed. So, the workaround is to do a manual calibration. Remove intake pipe so you can access the throttle blade, set E-throttle to setup mode, set E-throttle relay output to none. Open the runtimes screen (F12) and go to the analog tab, Push throttle blade closed with your fingers and note down the voltages showing on the AN Volt 2 & 3 runtimes. These are your closed voltages. Next, push throttle blade so it is open 90deg and note down the open voltages. Now go to >E-throttle 1>Throttle Position sensor and manually type in those open and closed voltages. Set E-throttle relay back to Aux 7. While you are in e-throttle settings I suggest you change your gains to match the pic below - I've been meaning to update our base map with these. Set e-throttle mode back to ON. Do a store.
  9. Currently no. I investigated something similar on our STI and the DCCD would fault if you sent a fake RPM without the rest of the data it expects. It is still something I would like to do in future plug-ins where we can but I think we will find it is very model specific, some cars will be happy and others not.
  10. After the ecu has achieved sync and the engine is running you should only see states count small/count large. "Test Gap" is possibly a confusing term but this state means the ecu is looking for the unique event that identifies TDC. So, seeing this state during running means the ecu has received an edge where it is not expected, it has lost position. It cuts all fuel and spark, sets RPM to zero and trigger state starts back at "Idle" for a complete re-sync. To re-sync the full range of states will be stepped through; Idle>Blank Teeth>First Tooth>Second Tooth>Test Gap>Start Counting>Count Large>Count Small. Just due to the logging rate you are only seeing the "test gap". The fact it is occurring at high load would suggest ignition noise is getting into the trigger signal and sometimes a spike is large enough and long enough to be considered a valid edge. Spark voltage increases with cylinder pressure, so more boost means more potential for high voltage noise, and coil current increases with dwell, voltage and RPM, so there is also more potential for current to cause noise or offsets as well. Does it still have a stock ignition system? Make sure spark plugs are resistor type and are in good condition, reduce gap if it is not already too small, ensure good quality resisted HT leads, make sure the ignitor(s) ground is good. Im not sure about the GTO, but if similar to the early Evo coils they had an internal noise suppression capacitor that grounded through the mount so this needs to be good contact also. The internal capacitor can die of old age also.
  11. Adjust the master fuel to get it somewhere in the ballpark, not the fuel table. I would expect a master more like 15ms for 550cc injectors. Your injector dead time of 0.5s is unlikely correct either.
  12. There is not even an analog input assigned to Lambda 1 in your log, so that would explain the ecu not reading correctly. The MAP sensor isnt working so that probably explains the lean.
  13. Adamw

    Overrun fuel cut

    The runtime label on the graph possibly needs updating but this text should explain it pretty well. The orange trace should probably just be labelled "fuel cut" rather than "Overrun Fuel Cut (Status)" so it matches what you would see in an actual log.
  14. I would expect it is probably the same throttle body as our V11 sti, the throttle controls well in our test car so try the settings in our V11 base map as a test (red values below). I have also seen an effect similar to this before with a Toyota throttle that couldn't be fixed with PID, possibly deadband related or something, I still need to do some further testing on that engine when I get a chance.
  15. Adamw

    Lambda fault code 49

    Im pretty sure PC Link cant even display Lambda values above 10.1 so likely you have units set to AFR. 30:1AFR with a stoich of 14.7 would be about 2 Lambda. If it is actually running at that then most likely you have an air leak or misfire which means there is raw oxygen in the exhaust system.
  16. It will likely be possible. I will take a look when I have a spare half hour but I mostly look after the forum in my own time and im reasonably busy with other stuff right now. You can bump the thread to remind me if I haven't replied here within say about a week.
  17. You are running open loop boost control, the ecu is just sending a fixed duty cycle to the wastegate solenoid. The boost will change with air temp, engine temp, exhaust gas temp, ignition timing, load, acceleration, etc... All of these are usually significantly different in real life Vs on the dyno.
  18. You are hitting the MAP limit (boost cut). The MAP limit with the default settings starts to limit 10Kpa before the set limit. Yours is set to 260Kpa so will start limiting at 250Kpa.
  19. There are many different ways to do this. Below is one example. Set RPM limit table allocation to 3D, turn on dual tables. Set the dual limit activation to your switch input. You will then have two separate 3D RPM limit tables, that will switch over with the switch.
  20. Sorry, your question is not translating very clearly into English. If I understand what you are asking correctly then assuming you are using gasoline stoichiometric ratio, I would generally start with 14.5: for MAP 0-70Kpa, 12.8:1 @ 100Kpa, 11.8:1 @200Kpa as a nice safe starting point for most.
  21. XPD-2832-811-214-911-00. It would possibly work, but there is a lot of engine control stuff linked to TPS and TPS delta, as well as you really want the ecu to monitor throttle position rather than motor position from a safety point of view. I have always found it best to use the throttle shaft sensor(s).
  22. Yes that would certainly be possible, the last one of those things I saw years ago was a very DIY-level device in a 3D printed case and very basic electronics. They look a bit more professional nowadays from the outside at least, but I have no experience with one.
  23. I wouldnt do PWM on the water pump with ADIO's in parallel, there will be small timing differences between them. The Ign coils would likely be ok on a single ADIO (or you can pair 2), which would free up a HC output from the EWP.
  24. Adamw

    Temp sensor inputs

    Use cal table 1-3 set up like below. I only done the first 3 cells but you get the idea.
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