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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. No plans in the near future, it is not one that has been requested much.
  2. Also make sure you pull the sensors out of the exhaust and do a free air calibration on them. You cant swap sensors on an innovate controller without redoing the calibration everytime. And there is no guarantees it was correct in the first place.
  3. "Limit Flags Word" is a good one to log also.
  4. Adamw

    G4x thunder model

    Quite a while off. Development is slow since the integrated circuit industry is completely overwhelmed at present.
  5. The best way forward would be to put a 2 channel scope on inj1 & inj2 to compare. Possibly low voltage on the supply side? Or could be something damaged in the ecu - although a failed injector drive will usually hold the injector wide open so it is obvious when the engine fills up with petrol...
  6. Adamw

    WRX V1-2 EJ20

    Can you please give more detail, I dont understand your question.
  7. This is what I wanted to see the position of:
  8. Yep with the non-VVT JZ's your offset will change by 360deg depending if you are using the front or middle cam sensor.
  9. Im starting to run out of ideas pretty quick. Is the battery in the trunk or still up front?
  10. Oh ok, it is a G4X, you were posting in a the G4 section so I couldnt understand why you were having a problem. The trick to assigning a DI to more than one function in G4X is when it pops up with the question "*** is already connected to DI3. Would you like to disconnect ***?", just choose no. Your pull-up and active state settings etc will then show up in >Digital Inputs>Input pins, and in here you can also hit the "connection list" button to see what functions are assigned to DI3. test 2nd maps Forum.pclx
  11. That is a G4+ tune. Do you have a G4+ or G4X?
  12. Yeah I suspect the CAN knowledge of the person I have been dealing with is limited, so far I have not got one reply to any of the specific bits of information I have requested. I can basically work it out by trial and error if they dont know how their own device works, but Id rather not waste my time.
  13. Ok, you pretty much had it right, I just changed byte order to High to low and the data type to signer integer. I dont see much else wrong. Can you load this CAN stream to see if it works. LINK_B-Shine New_@20220621_075201_009399.xc1
  14. No twist wont have any effect when there is little electrical noise around. Can you give us a photo inside the back of the CANF connector.
  15. That would suggest something wrong with the CAN wiring. You should have something a little less than 2.5V on CAN low, and a bit above 2.5V on CAN high. Are you using a CAN PCB cable? Possibly pinned wrong in the CANF?
  16. Your Aux 5 E-throttle relay is off in that log. Set "when stalled" mode to run.
  17. Change the settings below in Ethrottle setup too. If still no joy we will need a log.
  18. The google drive link is restricted. You will have to go back to the sharing settings and change it to something like "anyone with link can edit"
  19. I actually wanted to see the sensor and tooth location in the distributor which is under the black cover. Not sure how easy that is to get too. While you have the cap off, you could run a small piece of wire from that coil spring to somewhere close to ground, then turn on Ign test #1 to see if you get a spark there.
  20. I would suggest you use the internal one. Run a hose from the manifold plenum to the ECU. Not further set up required.
  21. Ok, if you attach your ECU and dash config I can set it up for you. If all 3 devices are connected to the same bus then I will only need the dash config.
  22. Adamw

    Injection-End Angle

    You can either do it as a single value or a 3D table, settings in here:
  23. Attach your tune and I will set up an example.
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