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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. Adamw

    Injector Drive

    Not really but that is how it will behave. The P&H injector drives have flyback diodes, so if you have 12V on the injectors when the ecu is not powered then 12v will flow through the injector, into the ecu through the diodes and will have a weak ground through some other device that is connected to the same 12V rail. I have modified a rough diagram to show the path below - the circuit is much more complicated but this is just to show the general idea. This "back feed" phenomenon happens with all ecu's which have P&H injector drives. When the ECU is powered up then the 12V rail is live so you have 12V on both sides of the injector so the injector will no longer have current flowing through it. You must have some mistake in the wiring somewhere. I suggest you unplug the ecu and make sure 100% there is 12V on pin A5 with the ignition on. No power on this pin would be the only scenario I can think of that would cause current to flow through the injector when the injector drives are off.
  2. Adamw

    RB25 Ecu Housing

    I will call on @Vaughan as he would be the only one at link that may have any idea about these models. I feel the R33 case is a no, but the other option is a maybe.
  3. Im having trouble following what the problem is. Can you try to explain it in a bit more detail.
  4. I dont see anyway to do launch RPM, there is no parameter for this. You could send the pot voltage but I dont know if that would be very useful. Launch fuel would be ok.
  5. For the dash config, go to the config page in RS3, put a check in the box beside your dash and hit the export button. You should get a .zconfig file.
  6. Adamw

    Injector Drive

    That would only happen if the 12V supply to the injectors was live all the time. The injectors need to be powered by a relay that is only live when the ignition switch and ecu is on.
  7. You are right, I was think cooling fan type logic where you want it on above a value. Virtual aux like below should do it:
  8. Pic at the bottom of page 48 shows there is a wire from that connector to a temp sensor, that will likely be the two pins.
  9. Active state high looks like it is driving the throttle in the correct direction. The problem may be the 250Hz frequency, 500Hz is more typical on these. Your TP voltages also look a bit odd. I cant quite work out what is going on from the log. Can you load the attached map in and log a few pedal presses (leave it in set up mode). I have changed the frequency to 500Hz and adjusted the TP voltages based on the values logged during calibration. Steve_Toyota_JZX100Plugin_eThrottle_test.pclx
  10. Whats the resistance at room temp?
  11. Aux 9 active state would usually be high to match the wiring in the help file. Can you attach your tune and a log of the calibration process.
  12. Pretty similar. Only software/firmware functions different from memory with the storm/V44 plug-ins. V44 had mixture map, configurable CAN bus and possibly 1 or 2 other small differences.
  13. That seems odd. Does the amp have an analog ground that is connected to ecu senosr dround? The main issue is you are using a low accuracy device that is designed for measuring a temp range of ~1200deg but to measure a temp less than 1/10 of that and expect high accuracy. If you only need to measure up to 100degC or it would be suggested to make your own two point calibration by dropping the probes in a cup of ice water and a kettle of boiling water. If you need higher than 100°C then use some other fluid with a known higher boiling point. This will then give you an overall calibration that will compensate for the TC accuracy, Amp accuracy, ground offsets & ADC accuracy.
  14. It Is a Link G4 storm based plug-in. No internal knock control.
  15. Can you check the voltage you are receiving on DI 2 & 3 with AC ON/Off.
  16. A MAP sensor is linear. You only need 2 calibration points. Pick the biggest one and the smallest one from their table. Also, do not use their psi data from their data sheet as that is wrong, the KPa values are correct. The 3.5Bar AEM calibration would look like below:
  17. You said you fuel system has a return line, so assuming your FPR has a reference hose that is connected to the manifold, then fuel system type should be set to "MAP Referenced".
  18. You can still use Inj5, you will just have to add a virtual aux in too. Something like this:
  19. Adamw

    Help showing ethanol %

    You've got both DI2 and DI7 set to ethanol sensor. Turn off DI7 in that case.
  20. The solenoid is not polarity sensative, there is no positive/negative. One pin connects to the ECU aux, the other pin goes to an ignition switched +12V source. For the position sensor this is polarity sensitive, the +ve connects to the DI and the -ve to sensor ground.
  21. Adamw

    engine bogs down

    Your log shows the correct ignition timing being commanded. Your engine makes no vacuum. This would suggest a massive leak or the cam timing is very wrong - has the engine been apart? Is the MAP sensor definately a Link 3 bar sensor?
  22. Adamw

    Help showing ethanol %

    This log shows 0Hz on DI7 all the time. A valid flex sensor frequency is 50-150Hz.
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