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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. No, nothing to do with CAN. BTW, the CAN is quite different in G4X so you will have to rescale lots of parameters. There is a new "configurable generic dash" template in the PC Link CAN folder to give you something to start.
  2. Correct, cells to the right of zero should be negative. Numbers look right. To make it 2D, go to the axis setup screen and set the Y axis parameter to None.
  3. Adamw

    sr20 idle problems

    Where did all the idle settings come from in your map? None of them really look like they are from either of our SR20 base maps. Attached I have made some changes so you have a closer starting point. Your base position table will still need to be tuned by you. Note, you need the main fuel and ignition tables tuned well before you bother spending time on idle control. Also you should have CL lambda off while you are tuning. rx8startup idle changes.pclr
  4. Both MAP and MGP is already sent in the generic dash stream. Power tune must be using the wrong one? Is the table you are looking at in the dash actually named "MGP" or something else?
  5. Adamw

    Variable Intake Flap

    Yes you can do a reversing relay type circuit. However, wont it need power held on to keep it in position after the change over? Or is there some sort of gearbox that prevents it from freewheeling back to the wrong position?
  6. Ok, seems pretty odd. It sounds like it is time to get a tuner involved, cant really diagnose much further without lambda connected etc. As a quick improvement to the idle speed, change the ISC mode to Closed Loop - E-throttle and it will then open up the throttle to bring it right on its own.
  7. Im not sure what value there would be in that. I dont think it will be a difficult one to discover since it is obvious and reproducible.
  8. If you want help with the trigger issue, please attach your tune, a log and a triggerscope. If you want help with the connection issue it will be best to contact tech support as they have more experience at diagnosis of that than me.
  9. It looks like it is just pulling the wrong label from somewhere, I just tested on the bench and it works fine just how you had it set up originally. I will report the issue to engineering and get it fixed, but for now it does actually work.
  10. The 4V is coming from the trigger pull-up in the ECU. Most common hall sensors have a "sinking output", so when you place metal in front of the sensor the signal wire is effectively connected to ground, so you should see the 1° and 120° signal wires go to close to 0V when metal is in front of the sensor.
  11. That master fuel setting at 5ms doesnt really fit with what I would expect for 370cc injectors. These would typically need more like 3-4X that. So either the injectors arent actually what you think they are or the lambda is not reading correctly, or there re is something else odd like you have 150psi fuel pressure or something... Since the gauge is innovate I wouldnt pin too much confidence on it telling the truth. So can you get it running again and just try increasing that master fuel to see if it actually runs better when you give it more fuel.
  12. I moved your post since you had posted in someone else's thread in the G4+ forum. Did they swap your G4X with a G4+? That seems a bit off? A couple of weeks ago I suggested this: So did you try shifting the master yet? Because a master of 5ms seems very low if you only have 440cc injectors. Is your lambda gauge working? It just shows max lean for the whole log.
  13. That is just the RPM limit. Another pic of the same area of the log that you are looking at. You can see the RPM limit is active the whole time and the percentage ignition cut is very gradually removed. This is because the tuner has set it up the limiter with a very slow decay rate (1%/20ms) so the limiter takes 1.38 seconds to decay from 69% to zero. A more typical decay would be something like 30%/20ms. But I wouldnt suggest changing that without asking the tuner why he set it up that way.
  14. As Brad already said, the main ignition table is where gnition timing comes from during starting. Idle ignition control is not enabled until all idle conditions are met. You can put a column in the ignition table at 500RPM if you want different timing during cranking, then anything below 500RPM will use whatever is in the first column.
  15. As above, contact tech support for an RMA.
  16. If you are using modelled mode then you can just set fuel system type to "FP Sensor" and that will take care of differential pressure automatically. If you are using traditional then yes, you can use a 4D table. Set it to "Always on". An example of a differential pressure correction for 3bar base pressure would look like below. The correction factor to calculate what to put in the cells is Sqrt(base press/actual diff press).
  17. The new error messages are just to aid diagnosis. So if you set connection port to USB you still get disconnections?
  18. Can you tell me were it misfired in that log. The first pull at 1:17 it goes straight to the rev limit at 7300, then you change gear but lift of at 5500RPM in the next gear. The next squirt is at 1:40 where again it goes straight to the rev limit, then looks like a gear change and lifted off. The next short pull is at 3:14 but only goes to 5400RPM, doesnt look like it is misfiring as Lambda is stable. Next one at 3:34 is a pull to about 6000, but again no obvious sign there is a misfire. The next pull at 4:11 is again straight to the rev limit at 7300. The last pull is to about 6200RPM, again no obvious sign of a misfire.
  19. No, not possible with GDI. Sorry I didnt see mention of GDI earlier. I would set set fuel charge cooling coef to zero and set the deadtimes so that measured lambda follows a change in target lambda. That will be about the best you can do.
  20. Your guess is as good as mine since I cant see the wiring. Did you add the diode to the ignition switch input? Your MAP sensor was reading wrong when you saved the map. Have you confirmed that is reading correctly and passes the calibration?
  21. Note the CL boost tuning process is pretty well explained in the help file. You should read this guide I mentioned earlier before touching it as you are just wasting your time if you dont understand the basic fundamentals.
  22. To verify deadtime, you can set injection mode to multipoint group and switch the injection rate back and forth between 1 cycle and 1/2 cycle, while at constant fast idle. Lambda should settle to about the same value on either rate setting. If lambda changes when injection rate changes then adjust the deatime up or down until lambda is the same with either rate. Give it a few seconds to stabilize each time you make a change.
  23. Shouldnt be far off. Change the aux 1 frequency to 250Hz. I would probably also triple the numbers in your idle base position table, the 2J's can rev quite high if the idle valve is open too far (larger numbers means the valve is more closed). Numbers around 100-200 steps is the normal ballpark I remember for these engines.
  24. Basic settings that you will need are in the help file page: Engine Specific Information > Ford >Ford BA XR6 Turbo. From there you will need to do the cam angle test to set the Trig 2 VVT offset correctly, this process is explained on the help file page: VX ECU Tuning Functions > VVT Control > Tuning VVT Control >Cam Angle Test. Then set up a VVT table however you like and tune it to make best torque.
  25. Adamw

    Twin G4X Extreme

    Yes, there is a replacement for the Thunder under development but it is quite a way off. We had discussed the master/slave arrangement some years ago and ruled it out as there are many cases where it would result in undesirable or poor engine control. I believe most concerns were around scheduling of limiters, staged injection and strategies such as gear shift cut etc. Many of these functions would have to be made much more crude to function between two controllers and would not give a level of control we would be happy with.
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