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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. Yeah something is a bit funny with the multiple conversions going on I think. It should only be out by a max of about +/-2°F difference, not 13. If you temporarily set your units to metric when you initially set up the table axis it should give you something closer to expected. As an example, to acheive the axis values that exhibited the problem for you 160/170/190/200F, I set up the axis in °C to 71/77/88/94. Which gives this after setting units back to US:
  2. Cruise control wont work because you dont have a brake switch assigned. It is connected to DI5 in our default config but you have changed that to Antilag. The SI Drive switch isn't set up to do anything by default, you can set it up to do whatever you want. It comes in on CAN AN 1 as noted below.
  3. Assuming they are the extended tip 0280158040 injector, I would ignore that data. I've only tested them at 3 bar but at least here is some real data I would trust.
  4. More likely tune related, dashpot or base position not correct for a certain combination of events. You will need to capture the stall in a log to see what is causing it.
  5. Yes only VA1-3 can be used on table axes in G4+. You can always swap whatever you have on VA1-3 with VA4.
  6. So have you already gone to >layout>load layout and looked for your usual one in the layout folder? If its not in there then I suspect you have probably overwritten it with your logging layout. There are two display modes and each can use a different layout. If you have a log open but no map open then PC Link will be in Log analysis display mode and will use the layout you have assigned to that mode. If you have a map open then PC Link will be in ECU display mode so will use the layout you have saved for that mode. You can swap between them using the "display mode" menu in the menu bar. If you swap between the ECU and log layouts and they both look the same then I would say you have overwritten one so it is gone for good. There are some improved default layouts here:
  7. I have no experience with that particular one, but with the threaded ones from the same manufacturer, the turbo needs to do a minimum of about 5K RPM before the speed sensor will start working. Usually they dont even work at idle until you give the throttle a decent blip.
  8. There is also AN Volt 4 on the oxy sensor plug and AN Volt 2 in the MAF plug, probably not being used if you dont want to get another expansion harness.
  9. This is a G4+ based on the OP's pics. I assume the mention of G4X in the first post is a typo. I have moved to the G4+ section.
  10. The .rar just has a copy of the map in it, no log.
  11. If the CE light is an LED there could potentially be enough current leaking through the fault detection circuit when the aux is off to generate enough photons to be visible. Its only about 0.1mA so hard to imagine that would ever be enough, but that would depend on the specific LED and ambient light etc. I dont remember the CE lamp in our integra test car being visible when off. For the charge lamp, that is controlled over K-line, from memory the ecu sends measured battery voltage to the cluster, so start by logging battery voltage to see if that looks normal. Most of these cars have a dual voltage alternator that the ecu can switch between normal and low voltage mode, but this is disabled in our base map so it should charge at full voltage all the time.
  12. What ecu do you have? What crank/cam sensors?
  13. Adamw

    Link g4 Evo 8

    An ethanol content sensor needs to be connected to a digital input between 1 & 8, whereas most other common sensors will need to be connected to volt or temp inputs, so no you likely wont be able to connect all your sensors to the inputs you have on a single connector there.
  14. For the combo sensor, use the STD bosch NTC for the temp input and cal 4/5/6 as below for the pressure input.
  15. https://www.canchecked.de/wp-content/uploads/connection-guide_LinkECU.pdf
  16. Here is a quick scope capture of ECU power up at 500us/div. 10V = 1A, so a max of about 0.7A in this case. Zoomed out, that drops back to about 0.2A after about 20ms:
  17. I would suggest you contact tech support to arrange returning it for inspection. [email protected]. A damaged USB chipset is not going to affect how the engine runs however so it seems like you potentially have more than just a USB issue.
  18. Yes fault codes are expected with everything unplugged. For testing the USB error with another PC, you dont actually need to power the ecu up, the ECU should still show correctly in windows device manager whenever the USB cable is plugged in. Can you confirm the USB cable is definitely plugged into the socket on the top PCB, not the CAN port on the bottom board.
  19. The first thing I would try is to remove it from the car, plug in the laptop and check in windows device manager that a Link ECU is showing in the coms port category. Assuming device manager looks ok then power it up on the bench with a couple of jumper wires. See if the laptop then connects. This is the quickest way to rule out a power supply issue as sometimes just a voltage test with no load doesnt give the full picture. +12V on B1 and Gnd to D21 are probably the safest options as you can access the pins on the backside of the header.
  20. Currently no, you need to assign a control to each output.
  21. Did you have the PDM connected to USB at the time? It may stay powered up via USB depending on the global enable setting and the hardware revision.
  22. Most of the basics look happy in that log, except for battery voltage. Batt voltage is only 10V when not cranking and drops to 6.5-7V when cranking. Many injectors wouldnt even open with voltage that low and the throttle doesnt have enough power to open so you need to improve that voltage issue. It would also be helpful to do a trigger scope while cranking to confirm it does have the right cams fitted.
  23. I dont see anything obviously wrong in the keypad receive message. Are you saying in live measures none of the Motec button channels ever show a 1 when pressed/held? Is it definitely a Motec keypad and not a generic greyhill?
  24. Adamw

    g4+ CLL

    You have runtimes for TPS delta and MAP delta, watch them live with the engine running/driving and set your lockouts to something appropriately above that so CLL doesnt disable at the smallest change in load.
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