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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. No, even if the ECU was able to temporarily disable the fuel cut for a downshift blip it wouldnt work - torque recovery is too slow after a fuel cut to give fast enough response for a blip. You have to disable overrun fuel cut if you want a downshift blip.
  2. The 1K pull-up will do fine in that case. Yes your boost/DBW table switches should be no drama.
  3. There is no functionality to take advantage of a dual track gear pos sensor at this time sorry.
  4. The old MXL was not very configurable in the CAN side and you cant change units or scaling of any of the preconfigured ecu channels so it is quite limited in what we can do. I think we could probably do by substituting the "Trigger 1 error counter" channel with the DI oil switch. If you attach your ECU and dash config I will take a look when I get a minute.
  5. Yes you can connect via RS232 but you can only use one at a time - you cant use USB and RS232 together at the same time. Also if a long RS232 cable is left connected to the ECU even when not in use then the USB connection will not work - the capacitance of the serial cable will interupt the USB so you need to completely unplug the RS232 cable when not in use. RS232 is available on the CAN1/RS232 socket. Pinout like this:
  6. It sounds like your ecu must be on old firmware if you dont see a "Link AIM MXS Strada" stream, you should be using this. Wire it direct to dash. Instructions here: https://www.aim-sportline.com/download/faqs/eng/hardware/sensors/FAQ_Sensors_Fuel_level_100_eng.pdf
  7. Adamw

    Monsoon sr20det trigger

    You can use the S13/S14/S15 base maps that are supplied with PC Link.
  8. Can you attach your ecu and dash config so I can take a look.
  9. I said it should be set to none, not 0 or 1. Try scrolling up in that ID list. As I said above a red highlighted byte means you have it wrong.
  10. Yeah, seems odd initially but I believe this is done as there is an "unassigned" state that better fits as a zero. So 0 = no function assigned to that aux. 1 = function assigned but result is false. 2 = result is true.
  11. Does it have a plenium/single throttle or ITB's? Whats it got for a trigger and ign system? Does it have a MAP sensor? What size injectors etc?
  12. There is an encoding feature in the CAN config where you can convert received values into text but I have never tried it for the gear channel. This is normally used for bit field" type data such as the "limit flag word" where 1 = RPM limit, 2 = MAP limit, etc. Can you attach your latest dash config and I will give it a go. Note in your ECU config you have your Reverse set to gear 15 (-) so I would suggest you also change that to gear 10(R) and I will code the dash to match.
  13. ID position should be set to none. I just checked it is correctly set to none in the supplied file so you must have changed that yourself somehow by mistake. FYI, the Red highlighting of Byte 1 shows you have a set up error.
  14. Adamw

    Oil Temp Sensor

    It looks like your set up is all ok. Can you get a multimeter and measure resistance between ecu pin Q14 and one of the grounds - say O18
  15. Yeah definately a trigger issue. VVT doesnt look happy either. Can you try turning Aux 2 off temporarily just to see if it is any happier with the cam not moving.
  16. Yes you will need a 5V pull-up. Normally 1Kohm does it fine. If you can measure the highest resistance between the two wires when you push each button I will confirm what you need. Yes momentary is fine for these switches. Hmmm. I would have to play around a bit to confirm what we could do there. Can you give an example of what you would want in each position - i.e would it need to swap between only 2 boost tables/settings or 4? Yep, there is no difference in functionality between CAN port 1 and CAN 2. Just the CAN 1 plug is a bit more fiddly to wire.
  17. The GP pressure runtimes in the G4+ firmware is stored as an unsigned integer so you cant do "-ve" pressure calibrations. So unfortunately there is no way to make it display both +ve and -ve pressures in PC Link, we are going to have to put up with it reading in absolute in there. However the dash I think can be manipulated to display it as gauge pressure. There are many ways to skin the cat but I would do it like this: Set the PC link calibration correctly like this: In RS3, add a simple operation math channel, "Crankcase press - Baro Press", then use this new channel to display on the screen. It should show -ve for press below atmosphere and +ve numbers for above atmosphere. This example below would result in Kpa units, if you want psi or inhg then you would add a further math channel to multiply this channel to give the correct scale and units.
  18. Yes, it will be -50 deg if the cam tooth has already past the cam sensor at that point or 310 if the cam tooth hasnt gone past its sensor yet. (i.e these are effectively the same crank position - just one will be compression stroke and one will be exhaust stroke). Note I still strongly suggest you paint a mark on and verify yourself though. It doesnt need to be highly accurate, you can usually feel it out pretty well with a just screwdriver poked down the spark plug hole and rock the crank back and forwards until you are at the highest point, then paint a temp mark on the pulley with a white marker pen or similar.
  19. Yeah in the old days about 2"Hg is about all you could get - in fact we would usually measure in inches of h2o and I remember 20-30" being a common aim. Nowadays with multiple Roots scavenge sections that has climbed. Depending on boost levels though I suspect you wont maintain -ve press under high boost (especially a subaru!) We can fix your calibration and use a math channel in the dash if we need to scale that channel to read in the units you want i.e -ve numbers for vac or whatever.
  20. Oh ok, I understand now. I have not come across this situation before. There is really no way in the current firmware take care of this, it will really need some new settings added. Why is your sensor not detecting the gear properly? does it settle on a different voltage everytime? Is there some mechanical backlash or something?
  21. Looking at your trigger scope closer today I notice your trigger 2 signal is inverted compared to what the ecu is expecting. How sure are you that it is the LH Inlet cam sensor that is connected to trigger 2 pin? The reason I ask is from what I can tell, the LH exhaust signal is meant to be inverted like your trigger 2. So maybe the inlet/exhaust are wired to the wrong pins? Or maybe the exhaust/inlet sensors are fitted in the wrong holes? (I dont know if they are the same part number/interchangable?) Im not sure if this is the problem or not yet but many VVT trigger modes use a "level" for sync rather than the edge so it may not be just as simple as changing the edge setting to rising. @Simon, could you confirm with engineering if this scope would work correctly with the EZ36 triggermode - trigg 2 is inverted compared to the sim and Link documentation, seems to loose sync when the cam advances? I suspect this decoder may use a level sync or edge count that is failing due to the inverted signal. Will swapping trigger 2 edge setting work for this mode?
  22. It would have been helpful to have the racepak Vnet part number so we could confirm how it is connected, but for now I will make an assumption it is serial and you can try this: Go to the main configuration menu and set datastream mode to requested short and baud rate to 57600, then do a store (F4). Disconnect laptop, plug in dash and then do a power cycle (ign off/on), report back if you have live data.
  23. They are superseal 1.0 series, unfortunately though there is no female mating bulkhead connector or even free hanging receptacle available as far as I know. The receptacles are only available as a pcb mount header - designed to be soldered to a circuit board.
  24. No, the serial stream doesnt include lambda from CAN or the built-in lambda (fury/thunder) at this time so there is no easy way to make it work.
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