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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. Adamw

    G4+ WRX9+

    Did you try the jumpers in the other position? The note in the help file about these jumpers says they are related to the triggers but that is wrong, they are actually related to the main relay and a/c request, so if they are in the wrong position the ecu wont power up. The WRX/STI notation isnt always correct either - some STI's need the WRX setting etc. This instruction is fixed in the next release of PC Link.
  2. Does the error go away if you put both E-throttle controls into "On - Setup" mode?
  3. Adamw

    Ignition CUT - BANG

    You can also change to fuel cut instead of ignition cut.
  4. I suspect there will be some application or script avaiable the can wake/suspend the PC based on USB activity. I would probably try asking on one of the "Car PC" forums, as it is probably something they need to work with often.
  5. I just tested this on a simulator this morning. There does seem to be a bug that effects the displayed actual and effective PW during overrun fuel cut. My actual goes close to zero but not exactly zero. My effective holds on to what ever value was last used when overrun is activated. The good news is the overrun fuel cut does work as expected - injection is competely cut when overrun is active. Can you expand on this some more - no one here at Link remembers any hardware issues in G4+ V1.4?
  6. Your trigger pattern looks like it matches our "Swift ZCS32" trigger mode, please give this a try.
  7. Adamw

    Main Relay

    I would certainly suggest a main relay. When you factor in Injectors, coils, 2 x Lambdas and all the auxiliaries that need to switch on and off with the ignition key, it would be some fairly serious ignition switch to take all that load with out a relay.
  8. Preferably you will have it connected at the ECU only but it is not going to stop a signal getting through for now. You will want to fix it before driving/tuning but it should be fine to get it running. This is normal and expected. My first suggestion is take a look at the runtimes (F12) while cranking. Trig 1 & 2 signal should both turn green and say "yes". This will tell us if any signal is reaching the ecu.
  9. Adamw

    Idle control

    Post a map and log: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_P1LRANeO4A
  10. I think you might have the wrong ECU stream selected in the AIM software. Usually the "CAN Bus Base" is the one you want to use. The think the "G4" one that you have chosen is the old serial stream.
  11. Please attach a triggerscope. Maybe do one at idle and one at about 5000rpm. https://1drv.ms/v/s!AiYbYlZQuRHPjDFrIzKsEb37jN39
  12. Unfortunately there is no easier option unless you find some already built device. The fastest DI's on your ECU are 500Hz.
  13. Not many of the settings in your pclr made sense so attached below is your map modified with some more typical starting settings. Note you can test the idle valve just by setting the aux output to "Test pwm" mode and you should here the valve clicking (engine off). You will then follow the procedure below starting from step 4: Current Engine Map 2017.09.14 new Idle settings.pclr
  14. You are free to use DI2 if you dont want VVT on exhaust. It is not needed for triggering. Be aware though that the plugin DI's are limited to 500Hz, this will be too low for many turbo speed sensors. You will need to find one that has a large divider built in to it. I know some work since I have seen logs with realistic turbo speed in them but I dont know what brand they were.
  15. I hid your similar post that was in the G2/G3 section just to keep things tidy. So as per Integrale8V suggestion, you have it basically opposite to what it should be. One side should be connected to the ECU Aux, the other side to a switched 12V source.
  16. Yes the cam looks like it matches the Subaru V1-6 pattern.
  17. Those settings above look like they are intended for some type of basic closed loop system. We dont have such a function in our firmware. I suspect you might be able to get reasonable results using a GP PWM table with Bat V on one axis and Eng RPM on the other. The "inverted output" would be used to tell the output whether 100% in the table means "100% on" or "100% off" - you dont get the choice with a GP PWM table so you would just need to get your numbers the right way around. Our aux outputs have a 1.5Kohm pullup builtin to the ecu so I suspect you wont need that. You've seen these things right?: http://www.ebay.com/itm/222318261582
  18. Sorry I somehow missed your previous post with the Log and Map. So looking at these I can confirm it is very unlikely a throttle body problem - just about all errors (and the reason the E-throttle is being shut down) is due to the pedal position sensor. AP tracking error. I think this is because you have your AP Sub 100% setting set to 50%. It should be set to 100% for your linear pedal Your two TP sensors dont follow each other well either so they need to be calibrated, but they arent bad enough to cause the safety shutdown in this log.
  19. Adamw

    1980's Toyota VSS

    Hi Kenny, I googled "AW11 VSS" last night to see what I could learn. These seem pretty odd - as Brad say a mechanical cable drives the speedo, then the speedo generates a "VSS" signal to send back to the ECU? My logic and the little info I could find online suggests this would be a 0-5v square wave type signal coming from the speedo. From your scope trace above I suspect either there is a pullup missing from the circuit or there is something wrong with that speedo. I know you said earlier with the ECU pullup turned on the speed still didnt work but can you try another scope capture with the pull up turned on so we can see if we get anything different looking.
  20. You will have to move the AC relay wire to a different output because Ign 4 is the only one you can use for the T2 coil. You could move the AC wire to either one of the Ign auxes on the expansion connector, or maybe something like Inj 7 or 8 if you dont need all 3 fans.
  21. For fuel level you need a lot of filtering to slow it down (so you dont see the fuel sloshing around etc). Our ECU's dont have configurable filtering so you will not be able to get a useful signal via the ecu. I just looked at Race Studio 3 and the MXS does have configurable filtering so it will be best to connect it direct to the dash. You will have to get advice from AIM about how to connect it but I would assume it will go to an analog input and will need a relatively low resistance pullup resistor.
  22. The subaru trigger mode will need both crank and cam sensor to be happy. Sometimes sharing trigger signals can be a problem and you often wont know until you try. Some OEM ecus will have a pull up or some capacitance etc in the trigger circuit that will distort the waveform too much to allow it to be used. Sometimes it will work fine at low RPM then become a problem at higher RPM. Our Kurofune ECU is designed to be more compatible in this scenario as it has "differential" trigger inputs but it would still be difficult to guarantee since it is not a common engine. Worst case is you will have to attach an extra/independent trigger wheel on the front pulley to run the Link, leave the rear one there to keep the OEM ecu only.
  23. I rarely use the folder view, I normally find the search box easier. So if I search "wheel" in you map I get the below list of parameters. Although either will work, I would use the generic "LF Wheel Speed" without the -DI** on the end.
  24. Adamw

    Motec PDM to Fury CAN

    You should be able to get most of this to work although the keypad "DI" inputs will not be as straight forward as you might imagine. I will show an example below. Note I havent even looked up how the keypad sends out keypresses but I assume they are sent as bits and they are "latched" in the software/firmware (if they arent latched at the Motec end we might be in trouble...) In this example I show two "keys" set up as CAN Dig 1 and CAN DIG2. I want to use Key 1 (CAN DIG 1) to enable antilag (but we cant assign CAN DIG 1 to antilag!), so we have to use a virtual aux, CAN DIG 1 turns the virtual aux on, then you use the virtual aux to enable anti-lag. Clear as mud... The same kind of logic will have to be applied to auxiliaries that you want the PDM to control. For instance if we want the PDM to control the fuel pump - then you will need to assign either an Aux or virtual aux to fuel pump, then you can send the "status" of that aux/VA out over CAN.
  25. Hi Scott, I'm not sure what info you are after but you can read some of the generic basics on this archived webpage: https://web.archive.org/web/20121109200234/http://www.linkecu.com/products/engine-management-ecus/g4-plug-in-ecus (scroll down). If you need anything more specific, please ask.
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