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So I got it to connect I think. In RealDash (in the can setup) if I open the can monitor it has a green text string of 0s with an “ed” thrown in there.

After loading the .rd file in the zip, no values are actively being displayed. I thought this might be because I didn’t set up the can frames so I went and uploaded a frame description on the PCLink software. 

I chose one that more closely resembled dash2pro. I think it was “configurable dash” or something. I still don’t have values but I can see the can analyser blinking now and again.

It currently only displays the green text when in loop back and loopback silent mode. If I’m in normal or silent mode, I get the “timeout, connecting” text in the can monitor 

edit: I forgot to mention that it has the xml file from the zip folder as well and that it’s using the Can 1 plug on my XtremeX

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On 6/16/2021 at 12:21 AM, Adamw said:

Dont worry about the user streams to start with, the only bit you need for a working dash is "Transmit DASH2PRO" on ID 1000. 

I got my dash working on a windows pc, with a seeedstudio CAN analyzer, transmitting DASH2PRO. This is on the G4+. I assume my next step, if I want to transmit some of my Analog volt inputs, is to transmit a user stream including those inputs, and modify the xml file to accommodate. Is that right or am I missing something?

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54 minutes ago, QE1984 said:

I got my dash working on a windows pc, with a seeedstudio CAN analyzer, transmitting DASH2PRO. This is on the G4+. I assume my next step, if I want to transmit some of my Analog volt inputs, is to transmit a user stream including those inputs, and modify the xml file to accommodate. Is that right or am I missing something?

What can mode do you have set in realdash? What does it display in your can monitor on realdash? I’m still having issues 

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1 hour ago, Link2ThePast said:

What can mode do you have set in realdash? What does it display in your can monitor on realdash? I’m still having issues 

I have it set up exactly like Adam shows in the video and CAN monitor looks similar.

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Ok, so I followed the video exactly and I’m still getting the same issue. Baud rates are correct between the adapter and realdash, can transfer rate is the same. Can frames all match in the adapter software and realdash. I still have “timeout, connecting...” in the can monitor. Whether I use the link:short can or the xml file in the zip folder

I get a single line of green text with “can frame(s) 1” at the bottom if it’s in loopback silent. 

Does it need to be a USB 3.0? I know the port works because I can transfer files through it. 

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When the adapter is set up correctly, the Send/Rev lights on the adapter will flash as data is on the bus.


I seem to remember having to do something with the "Send and Start" button before it kicked into life and started flashing when receiving data from the ECU.




Once this is configured correctly, however, the area to the right should start getting flooded with messages. So verify that this working here before you go anywhere near RealDash.

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I tested as suggested in the included files for the adapter and it sends and receives in loopback silent just as it says it should.

I’m not sure if I’m remembering correctly, but on the pdf it said press “set and start” after putting it in loopback silent and then “send”. After which, in the window on the bottom, it has a “send” stream (?) abs a receive one 

should it also be doing that in normal or extended mode? 

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On 6/23/2021 at 11:30 PM, Confused said:

I would forget about RealDash until you've got the analyser app showing you a stream of data in the bottom right when you're connected to the ECU.

At this point I'm ready to trash the thing. I've followed the directions to the T. Baud is correct across the entire system. In realdash, on the application and ecu. Plug is wired correctly using can plug1 and it is set up to send dash2pro to can 1 with an ID of  1000. 

I tried to get the thing to read data from the ecu and get silence.

Changing the can mode in the application does absolutely nothing, and the directions that came with the adapter are useless for anything other than setting the can baud rate.  I have no clue what I'm doing wrong and it's extremely frustrating when I can't even use the reading material this came with to gain some direction.

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Could potentially be an adapter fault. Us USB users find that adapters/cables are very hit and miss, not sure about the CAN adapters but I assume they may be similar. I had to try 4 different USB adapters until I got one that works for everything bar charging and sending data.

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2 hours ago, Adamw said:

Try the "restore to default" procedure that is included in the instructions.

I agree.

Restore to default, and try again.

You should see the green "Rev." light flash when it's working correctly. Until you see that light flash, it's pointless bothering to spend any time looking at RealDash.


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I don;t really know where to start now or where to go from here.  

All I did was change the baud rate on the thing from the very beginning and perform the self test. The "Rev." light does not flash and I see nothing  in the can data window of the Configuration tool. This is exactly how it was before I set it factory settings. I changed the baud rate to match the 115200 of the ECU as well after reset.

Can mode is set to normal and can frame is standard. Any other ideas guys, I never though this would give me the most trouble haha 

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On 6/28/2021 at 9:55 PM, Adamw said:

Try the "restore to default" procedure that is included in the instructions.

Hey Adam, 


Could you please show me in a similar video how your can analyzer is set up in its own software? Maybe there’s a step or button that I have to click and I’m missing it during setup 

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1 hour ago, Confused said:

Have you done the reset?


From memory (but double check the documentation) you short out the two Reset pins, and power it on for a few seconds. Disconnect those pins, and power it on again.

Yeah I mentioned I did it two replies ago lol. Still nothing :/

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On 6/29/2021 at 12:19 AM, Confused said:

I agree.

Restore to default, and try again.

You should see the green "Rev." light flash when it's working correctly. Until you see that light flash, it's pointless bothering to spend any time looking at RealDash.


I finally got the REV light to flash but no data is being displayed in the analyser software and I still get the "timeout connecting" in realdash.... where do I go from here :l. It feels like I keep hitting road block after road block

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On 7/3/2021 at 6:50 AM, Link2ThePast said:

Hey Adam, 


Could you please show me in a similar video how your can analyzer is set up in its own software? Maybe there’s a step or button that I have to click and I’m missing it during setup 

You donot have to set up anything if you have defaulted it.  

Video: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AiYbYlZQuRHPxTpohhDiwoJwxlGy?e=EdlHIo

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So I defaulted it again and left it the 2 mil baud rate and it works. I remembered in an earlier related post on here (or the realdash forums) where it mention that that value was too high. Is there any particular reason why it would work at the default baud only? 
Also thanks Adam for the quick and helpful videos. They are very appreciated. 

Do you have any tips for setting up an volt values that aren’t predefined in realdash or is that when we start getting into the custom XML files? Also, does this extend to setting up buttons on realdash as triggers to an aux out? 

The reason I ask is because I have a Honeywell fuel pressure sensor in PCLink as an volt 7 and when selecting fuel pressure, it shows .3. I’m unsure what this value is since I have around 36.7psi. I’m having the same problem with MAP but it is not being displayed at all, just a static value.

I remembered reading in another post that realdash has predefined sensor settings (ex. water temp was defined as an temp 1, in realdash) so I was also wondering if that might be playing some part in this


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