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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. Unfortunately ID's data has become a mess recently. The SPWA table that Rustam has used above matches their Link ID1050X data. But if you look at the EFI live data for the same injector it is different, and if you look at the HP tuners data it is different again... There was a facebook post about this issue a week or so back and their response was their data changes as they refine their testing techniques. So that may suggest the newer data is more correct? Rustam, I would probably go with the EFI Live data as it is the most recent. http://help.injectordynamics.com/helpdesk/attachments/4066141623
  2. ? 10 Lambda is an AFR of 147:1, this is lean, not rich. It should show full lean ~10 Lambda during fuel cut. Lambda = 0 is generally a sensor error , you can see the first time it goes to zero the Lambda 1 error is 54, Excess pump current. I have only ever seen that from a failing sensor but the other thing I would suggest is try moving the CAN lambda power source direct to the battery as they can be sensative to inductive noise in the power supply - that normally causes error 16 or 34 though so Im not convinced in this case.
  3. Adamw

    G4x wideband

    Yes, even the old G4+ can have Lambda input via CAN. As for how many inputs, there is not really a limitation, although you may run out of channels that you can assign to the inputs. But as a rough guide at present you can assign 8 CAN lambdas, 8 generic CAN analog inputs, 8 CAN digital inputs, 8 CAN EGT inputs, then there are a few random dedicated channels such as steering position and antitheft etc.
  4. Are both trig 1 & 2 set up like below already? Filters should be set on level 1. If you still have problems with the arming thresholds below then you need to get an ocilloscope on to it (or a bigger ecu with built-in scope) and get us a capture of the signals.
  5. Your main fuel table also needs to be changed, it looks like it has come from a traditional base map, not modelled so the numbers are too small. Modelled will typically have numbers around 50-60 at idle and 100-120 at peak torque area. I suggest you open the monsoon base map, go to the fuel table, right click >export/import>export to clipboard. Then open your map, and import from clipboard, this will copy the Monsoon modelled fuel table into your map. In fuel corrections, turn IAT fuel correction off. In the staged injection Secondary injection staging table, make the numbers at the right hand end 50%, since you have the same size pri and sec this will then mean half the fuel is going through both. Might need to broing the RPM lockout down but neither of these are going to stop it from running.
  6. I think that is just the sprocket for the timing chain by the looks. Trigger is likely on the inside or outside of the flywheel/Alternator.
  7. You'll get used to it. Obviously with more flexibility comes more complication, but they are great dashes.
  8. Do you now how many teeth is on the crank and what pattern it uses? A lot of single cylinder engines use MAP sensor instead of a cam sensor so that may be a problem.
  9. The quickest fix will just be to snip the grey and yellow wires inside the case (or extract pins). You are unlikely to ever need serial.
  10. Yes even without the far end connected to anything the capacitance of the wires will upset the PC Comms.
  11. It would pay to contact tech support to get the ok when to send it. You can point them at this thread to save explaining the problem again. Im not sure what effect lockdown etc is having on turnaround time so best to get it straight from the horses mouth. But otherwise, follow the instructions on this page: https://www.linkecu.com/contact/ecu-service-requests/
  12. Im not sure what you mean by that. All you can do is check it is flashing with a test light, or if you've got an oscilloscope can can check for a square wave coming out at key-off reset.
  13. Check you are on the latest version - just released 2 or 3 days ago. Apparently a recent update had broken the USB driver and they have just fixed it.
  14. No the auxiliary runtimes only show "active" for on/off type functions such as fuel pump, they will just show off all the time when assigned to stepper. I guess the next step is to connect your LED test light between one of 12V pins and one of the outside pins (shouldnt matter which), then get someone to turn the key off, you should see the test light rapidly flash for a few seconds (assuming stepper reset is set to key-off). The evo stepper motors used to be pretty prone to failing so just need to confirm where the problem is. Hmm, that is odd. With aux 3 set to off you should see (weak)12V on that pin. The thing that is odd is Aux 1-4 are all controlled by the same "quadswitch" chip so its pretty rare for just 1 channel in that chip to fail - not impossible though I guess. It would have to go back to Link if you want that inspected and fixed.
  15. So was it all tuned on the 370cc injectors and running well with the master at 14ms?
  16. So what solved it? Just reducing the trigger 2 arming voltage?
  17. Adamw


    It is just a warning to say that you have commanded a very short injector PW but the "Minimum injector PW" setting prevented it. It may happen for instance with large injectors on overrun under high vacuum. Check your min PW value is set to a realistic value.
  18. Most of the common coolant temp sensors will work up to 130 or 140°C, which is enough for most users. Some of the specific fluid temp sensors will do 150 or 200°C which is not commonly needed for road cars.
  19. I dont expect constant power at the coils would cause the ecu to stay on as the ignition drives cant backfeed, so it sounds like there is a problem somewhere else. Since it is a stepper motor engine there should be an ecu hold power aux output wired to control the main relay. You will really need to get a wiring diagram from the chase guy to know what they have done.
  20. Correct, fuel pressure has no direct affect on deadtime, differential pressure (difference between pressure on top of the injector Vs pressure below) is what affects the deadtime.
  21. The first thing to confirm will be the trigger system. What does it have for triggers, what pattern does it have on the crank, does it have a cam sensor or use MAP sync?
  22. Adamw


    No, I used to think the same - it would be easier to use MAP for the VVT load axis as then it has more relationship to your VE table and it would then be easier to account for the change in VE due to cam position. But, as I have been doing more VVT recently I have learnt that theory is not true and it is better to use TP for the VVT load axis. The reason is that cam timing significantly affects the MAP, so if you have MAP as an axis on your VVT table, then in some situations you get the cam becoming unstable bouncing backwards and forwards because it is both affecting MAP and controlled by MAP.
  23. Its actually not that intuitive, you've got to go to >file>open, then in the open dialog box select your config and click export.
  24. Note that is not a dash config you've attached, it should have an extension something like .c125v61
  25. Have sent you a PM. XS loom wont help but you will want a decent wideband knock sensor, I cant remember what the VR4's had for a sensor.
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