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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. Also check the runtimes below, see if any errors are being reported:
  2. Log and Map please. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_P1LRANeO4A
  3. Yes, the triggermode is available in our 5.6.6 firmware and there are a few engines around running on it now. I dont think the VVL is supported though, I think they probably use a DC servo motor control which we dont have in our current hardware. I can email you a link to 5.6.6 test firmware if you have an engine you want to run.
  4. I possibly spoke without thinking through all scenario's with that comment. Load=MAP or Load=BAP/MAP are both fine to use. In fact, BAP/MAP Xover may be preferable if there are really large camshafts or something at play that gives a very unstable MAP although I have never needed to use that mode. The important thing is Load = BAP is the main one we want to avoid.
  5. They have a pull-up to 12V built-in so it should normally work out of the box. For the speedo is the sweep frequency and sweep time set to non zero and the key on sweep is set to on? And same for the similar settings in tacho - sweep RPM, sweep time, multiplier and key-on sweep enabled? Does the speedo say it will work with a square wave signal or is it AC only?
  6. The only hardware differences I can think of is P&H inj drives and only 1 CAN bus on the Red. Processor, knock control & E-throttle etc is all the same.
  7. To start with you will notice there is very little difference in the fuel table numbers from about 30% TP up. So I would delete a whole lot of those rows to make your initial tune much less work. Then only add a new row if after initial tune you see a large change between two adjacent rows that doesnt appear to be linear. On an ITB engine I would normally start with TP breakpoints something like 0,2,4,7,10,15,20,30,50,70,100% and I rarely have to add any more than that. Due to the reason above it looks like you could just "fill down" the rest of the 2500 and 3000 columns. Maybe add a little extra on so you are starting on the safe rich side and then pull it back using logs of mixture map. Your numbers will usually increase proportionally to torque so it should ramp up towards the peak torque RPM, then flatten off from there towards redline. I wouldnt have a clue where an H2 will peak so you will probably have a better idea than me. Again I would make the numbers bigger than you expect they need to be so you are starting on the safe side. Also, these things are supercharged arent they? If so, make sure you have the equation load source set to MAP, the open loop Lambda table turned on (assuming using traditional fuel equation) and make sure the lambda target table has MAP or MGP on the axis. These settings are needed to ensure that boost is properly compensated for (if for instance boost pressure is changed at a later date).
  8. Adamw

    CAN-EGT module

    I have no idea of how configurable the CAN is in a MS2, but the ECUmaster EGT CAN format is freely available in their EMU software help file. You can open those "link CAN stream" files in our PC Link software (CAN setup). But I will give you a screen shot of one anyway. So, the first 4 EGT's are sent with ID 1552 (decimal), the 2nd lot of 4 are sent with ID 1553. I think bitrate is configurable in their software but the default is 1Mbit/s. 8byte frame, 2 bytes per egt, least significant byte first. Scaling is 1bit=1°C
  9. I didnt see this post earlier. To me it looks a bit lean in general, can you try just changing the 100 & 130kpa rows in the lambda target table to 0.9 to see if that makes any difference. Also dwell time might be a bit heavy if you still have stock coils, can you try dropping that back to about 2.5ms in the normal running area and see if that makes any difference.
  10. No, you want to log the parameter "Lambda 1". Just fix your cal table.
  11. Your cal table is set up wrong - I highly doubt your controller reads from 7-22Lambda Thats an AFR of about 323:1! It looks like maybe you have used AFR numbers instead of Lambda?
  12. Note this is a trigger problem, not a VVT problem. I have had some email correspondence with the other user in this thread "pattun@NC3", a few months ago including many triggerscopes and other tests. Our Mazda 3 trigger pattern will not work with this engine as the cam pattern is too different. It works when the cam is at home but as soon as the cam advances the features that we use to synchronise are lost so the ECU will lose engine position. I have passed all the data on to our engineering team but it is going to need a completely new trigger decoder written so it may take some time.
  13. As far as I know either should work, the K20 and 92/96 MAP sensor cal is the same.
  14. This is not a valve I have seen before but I would expect with three wires it would have to be a solenoid valve. A Stepper usually needs 4 or 6 wires. Start with the min & max clamps set to 0 & 100% then set the clamps properly after you have tuned the base position table.
  15. Adamw

    Fury pinout questions

    The Lambda related pins are all dedicated to Lambda. Basically you will lose Ign 7&8, and ANVolt 10&11. But since you no longer need an ANVolt for wideband you also free one of the others up.
  16. Ok, you can see the lean spike comes after the accel enrichment is finished. So I would initially try a bit more hold and a bit less decay. Also 5% enrichment might be a little on the light side so you may need to bump up the clamp or load correction but start by making it act for longer first.
  17. Adamw

    recorded Wgate DC%

    As far as I know the parameter "WGate DC (%)" is the final actual value sent out of the aux output to the solenoid after all trims and control adjustments have been applied. I have never personally tested that to confirm but can if you believe it isnt working correctly.
  18. I dont know these engines very well, but in the few scope captures we have from other stock 20V 1.8T engines, the crank gap (pink arrow) is about where I have drawn the green arrow (about 9 teeth to the right compared to yours). This is about a 36 deg difference, but since I have never seen inside one of these engines I dont know what can cause this - there may be something timed wrong or it may be something like the crank wheel is fitted backwards (I dont even know what is possible on this engine). Or it may just be an engine we havent seen before and it came like this from the factory. Our notes suggest the BBU should match the common VAG pattern though.
  19. Really need to see the log to see what is going on with accel enrichment at that point.
  20. The knock sensor is wired directly to the ecu. Yes, there are knock ignition trim tables. If the ECU needs to retard a cylinder due to knock it will record the amount of retard that was applied in the relevant RPM/load cell. The next time the engine passes through that same cell then that same retard will be applied. If the engine is operated in that cell for longer than the "advance delay" setting and there is no knock then the ecu will try to re-advance the ignition (remove the trim). There are a couple of ways to set it up but the most common is that these trims will be cleared at the next start up so the ignition is running its normal advance and will only retard if knock is detected again. The trims are not permanently stored, but if you are logging you can see when/where trims were applied and removed. There is closed loop lambda and boost control if thats what you mean, but not "self-tuning", it needs to be tuned properly in the first place.
  21. Adamw

    wastegate table axis

    That is fine, you can use whatever you like on either axis.
  22. Ok, I have discussed this with engineering, they think your trigger pattern should work with a new GM trigger mode that has been added in the next firmware version. I will send you a PM with a link to a test version of 5.6.6 and some instructions. Having said that Im puzzled why your cam teeth are in a different place to most VAG 20V 1.8T. Is this engine a hybrid mash-up of bottom/top end? or is the cam timing potentially off?
  23. What are the lambda runtimes showing here:
  24. Your CAN is working fine so dont bother messing around with that. You need to look at the ECU Status tab of the run times. You still have error 16 showing in your log, so it is most likely still a power supply problem. Did you go directly to the battery like I suggested? Did you disconnect the existing power wires? Did you do this? This would be the ideal set up. It is not EMI, the CAN is talking fine in your log. It is the power circuit that is not happy.
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