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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. Attach the actual log file, not a screenshot. Also a trigger scope at idle and a copy of the tune.
  2. Adamw

    Motec Keypad

    I have only tested the 15 button with 6.24 firmware which is in G5 PC Link.
  3. Adamw

    Boost display

    Channel ECU_MGP (Manifold Gauge Pressure).
  4. The Audi stream is hardcoded with several torque based calculations and multiplexed counters so not something that could be done to an acceptable level with user CAN.
  5. Sorry, I forgot about you. I will do that later today.
  6. Error 24 means the current regulator has reached its limit, so closely related to 54.
  7. Adamw

    Fault code 74

    It sounds like you must have connected the relay wire to the 5V pin, not Aux 11. The only thing that would cause an error 74 would be shorting the 5V pin to gnd or feeding a higher voltage into it.
  8. Do you have a log from when it is cold?, it is 85C in that log. The lambda is way richer than target, not sure if there is something wrong with the lambda or it really is that rich but it certainly wont drive well if it is actually that bad. Your accel fuel settings also look a bit out of place to me, you have no accel fuel at all in that log. Usually the deadband will be 0.2-0.6% on a G4+, and cold correction will usually be much higher.
  9. The ECU has little interaction with the OEM dash so it should be reasonably straightforward providing the original cluster wiring is still there and not hacked up. The ecu sends a tacho signal to the cluster is about the only interaction and this is still likely set up in the ecu.
  10. Will need to see a log and the tune.
  11. And to confirm, Aux 11 set as a GP Output can be switched based on fuel press. Personally I would use inj DC to switch it rather than pressure, you dont really want to wait until pressure drops before you take action. Injector duty cycle is much closer related to how much fuel flow is required.
  12. If if goes through calibration then it sounds like it is working properly. The throttle relays will be switched off when the engine isn't running if you have it set to quiet mode. The fuel pump relay should only activate for the set prime time then switch off until the engine is cranked. Im not too sure what you mean here? Obviously the coils and injectors should be off when the engine isn't running. Or are you meaning when you are trying to start it? Attach a log if so.
  13. I dont know the chassis well enough, but if it were me I would just use the 2 original pin 50/60 wires to ground the Storm 25/34. Ideally the ecu would share the same power supply as the injectors so that is can apply the correct deadtime. You will possibly still need to add a circuit to control the ECCS relay if that is still going to supply the CAS etc. Knock sensor direct to pin 23.
  14. Make sure you also only have 1 CAN channel set to CAN lambda in the CAN set up too, the one channel will receive data from all connected lambdas. If you have more than 1 channel assigned I have seen odd stuff happen.
  15. Adamw

    Throttle lag

    If you set the PID setup to "E-throttle 1" then you can view/log the feed forward, P,I, & D that was working at the time to see where the overshoot is coming from. I would generally look at "E-throttle 1 Motor DC" to see what DC is required on average to achieve a specific TP and use that for your feed foward. You will notice there is a very large change right around the point where the motor force changes from pushing against the spring to pulling against it. I suspect your little overshoot may be improved by increasing derivative - I often end up maxed out at 65 for D.
  16. I can confirm, I just done a quick test and I can reproduce. I will report to the firmware team on Monday.
  17. The signal from the crank sensor is intermittent, there are several patches where the sensor stops outputting the signal for a few teeth. Oddly it seems to occur quite regularly at 2 specific crank angles. So possibly the air gap is borderline too big, the wheel has significant runout, or possibly just a faulty sensor. The cam sensor is not working but I suspect that just needs the pull-up turned on to fix that. The areas with the pink arrows below should have fine teeth just like the rest. The gaps with the green check mark are the 2 missing teeth so these are meant to be there.
  18. Yes you could use a virtual aux or spare unconnected aux as a dummy to trigger the AC step, with the clutch wired direct. However, be aware this means there is no delay between the AC request switch and the AC clutch activating so it is not going to work as well as it should - you really need a small delay as the throttle takes a little time to open, then the manifold takes a little time to fill to the higher pressure, then the extra air takes a little time to turn into an actual torque increase. You could also try putting the AC request DI on one axis of your idle ign table so it instantly gets say another 15deg advance when you switch the AC on.
  19. Adamw

    No Clue.....

    Some of your crank teeth are only reaching about 0.3V and many only about 0.5Vwhen cranking so your current arming threshold of 0.8V would cause the ecu to ignore some real teeth. Chage the trig 1 arming threshold to 0.2V in the 500RPM cell.
  20. I just noticed you had traction limit status logged so that looks ok. I would add dwell, trigger error counter, ign & fuel cut, to the log set. Increase diff fuel pressure logging rate to say 50Hz to get a better idea how bad that is. You can probably remove fuel press, aux 6 & aux 8 from the log set to gain a bit more bandwidth.
  21. Adamw

    Throttle lag

    It appears to be mostly due to the idle position being close to the spring balance point for the throttle, so anytime you want to move above of below that a small amount it takes time for the closed loop integral to wind up to the large change in duty cycle needed. I would try doubling the current Integral gain in E-throttle settings and tune the feed-forward table. Something like below would be about where I would start.
  22. Vaughan has taken a couple of days off so he may not reply here until next week. I think he stuck with the grey plug loom in his stagea probably as that's just what it had. He knows the platform well though so I suspect he should be able to give a bit more info on how easy or difficult it is to fit a blue plug loom into one of those cars.
  23. You havent really logged enough relevant channels to cover all the common possibilities, a PC log would be better if you can strap a laptop in somewhere. Are you sure it is not traction control? In some places in the log the slip % looks to be too close to the target for it to have been disabled. The fuel pressure also becomes quite erratic above about 5000RPM in the 2nd half of the log, possibly a cavitation issue when the fuel is hot or similar.
  24. Have you experimented with the idle control AC step? This table specifies how much extra the throttle is opened when the AC Clutch is activated. There is also a short hard-coded delay so the throttle opens slightly before the clutch engages.
  25. No engine is going to idle well with the AFR at 18.4:1. Does it not improve if you increase fuel?
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