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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. When connected to the car with ignition on, check the blue LED lights up to indicate it is powered.
  2. So are you using the V1.1 ecu file I provided? Fuel press 1, differential fp and the boost pot are in a user stream.
  3. I dont think ethanol was in the CAN stream in the old firmware you are running, so update to the latest firmware will probably solve that. "Boost" is "MGP" in the ecu and dash. Your HTG CAN setup doesnt look suitable, you are trying to send 10 bytes of data on ID 73a, you need a max of 8 per ID. It looks like you only have 1 byte being sent on ID 7a so move some of the others to that ID would be the best option. If you attach the HTG config I can take a look.
  4. Either connected direct to an ecu DI or the speed input on the dash should work fine. ECU will probably be preferable so you can use speed for idle and launch lockouts etc.
  5. The Holden V6 Alloytech III trigger mode should work for that.
  6. I dont think we currently have a trigger mode to support this pattern. You could try the PT cruiser mode which is quite similar crank pattern but I suspect it wont work due to the different cam pattern - I dont have the capability to test that myself while on holiday. Otherwise we will have to write a new trigger mode. The firmware team is on holiday until about 20th Jan I think.
  7. You would need a start position of 15 and a width of 1 to pick up the 252/253 change in your pic. Also, make sure you have the receive filter at the top selected when you are in the "add parameters" selection screen.
  8. Attached is a CAN template you can import into RS3 to start from. I usually just add another row on the bottom with a different ID to send any extras that arent in the standard stream, then in the ecu just send the normal "Transmit Link MXS", and a separate user stream for the extras. You will probably find lots of examples on the forum if you use the search at the top and search for "zconfig" or "xc1". LINK_Link MXS Custom_@20230318_005233_002523.xc1
  9. You will need to attach a copy of the map from your ecu and a copy of the configuration file from the dash if you want help. There are set up instructions in the AEM help file that I have attached below. Link CD7 setup.pdf
  10. Yes, any DI's can be used for switches. You cant currently have both stationary launch and latched launch set up the same time, but you can use a GP limit table to achieve the stationary launch. The CAN lambda needs to be wired to a CAN port, there are 2 CAN ports on the Evo9 ecu.
  11. The pinout for the m50TU cam sensor is below, this is looking into the plug on the sensor. Connect the exhaust signal to DI1-4. The M54 vanos is fully variable on both intake and exhaust. Use M52 VVT mode in G4X.
  12. Adamw

    CA18DET No start...

    It looks like there may be a bit of noise on the trigger signal that may become a problem later, but the earlier log and this scope both show the ecu is happy with the trigger signal and interpreting it correctly so this is not the reason for no start.
  13. To adjust the tacho, >Auxiliary outputs>tacho> multiplier or offset. For the speed, do you mean the speedo is not working, or there is no speed showing in the ecu software?
  14. There was a problem batch of haltech dashes a while ago that would "brown out" or reset when cranking, when this happened they somehow would disrupt the bus preventing any data being transmitted causing the ecu to log transmit errors. If this went on for long enough then the ecu would have to go "bus off" (a bus off error means the transmitting device is not allowed to participate on the bus anymore). When you click "apply" in PC Link this resets the CAN controller so it is allowed to transmit again. To confirm, next time it happens you can go to the CAN tab on the runtimes screen (F12) and check if it is showing transmit errors and bus-off error. For a proper fix the dash will have to go back to Haltech to have the hardware updated. With a couple of similar cases I was involved in I changed the bit rate in the ecu and dash to 125kb/sec which improved the situation a little and allowed it long enough to self-recover most of the time, so you could give that a try in the meantime.
  15. So you havent changed anything in either of those 2 files? You've left the cal 5 set up in kpa? I just loaded your map in an ecu and the CAN output is correct. Is FP1, FP2, and diff FP all showing the same problem in the dash? What firmware does your dash show in RS3?
  16. I have only seen this type of failure towards the end of an update when the main power supply is missing so the ecu is only powered up from a back feed. I would try powering the ecu up on the bench with a couple of jump wires if you have some way to rig that up. You need 12V on pin 119 and ground on pin 1.
  17. Adamw

    CA18DET No start...

    It looks like all the basics are present in your log. The TPS looks like it hasnt been calibrated but that is not going to prevent it from starting. Make sure the J1 jumper is fitted in the S13 position. Have you checked the base timing is somewhere close while cranking?
  18. Can you attach your ECU and dash configs. Which ecu CAN port and which dash CAN port are you wired to at each end?
  19. Adamw

    Cold start EJ207

    Sorry I didnt realise you were flex fuel. Cold start at 10°C with a high ethanol content is never going to be great, especially with large injectors. Due to ethanol's low vapor pressure, when everything is cold including the fuel, intake ports, injectors, rail etc, you will have very little vapor produced in the intake port. You need vapor for combustion to occur, adding extra liquid fuel helps produce a little more vapor but you reach a point where there is so much liquid it starts to work against you. If you are not seeing noticeable changes when adding or reducing crank enrichment then you are probably sitting somewhere around that point now. Two things that may help to produce more vapor; retard injector timing so that fuel is injected when port velocity is highest, try around 180-220BTDC EOI. Add more start-up offset to increase cranking airflow. Reduce start-up hold and decay to prevent a big flare when it catches.
  20. Adamw

    Knock Level Limit?

    Knock level global is the raw noise level from the knock sensor, this is multiplied by the cyl gain when the specific cyl window is active. A knock level global of 1000 means the input is saturated, it cant measure a higher voltage. If your cyl 1 knock level is showing a flat line at 530, this means the knock level global was pegged at 1000 everytime the cyl 1 window was captured. Im assuming you are using the stock sensor?, this saturation is common with the Toyota resonant frequency sensors, they usually arent useful with a modified engine. Swap is for a flat response sensor. If you already have a flat response, then just turn the main gain down.
  21. Adamw

    Cold start EJ207

    Turn off wall wetting compensation for now to see if that improves it. There is a recently discovered bug where the wall wetting compensation would sometimes hold the injectors open longer than they should be on the first crank after a power cycle. This has been fixed in the next release but is still in testing.
  22. We normally use a STD60NF55LAT4, I think the pn06l13 may have been an alternative we had to use when availability was difficult.
  23. A few ways you can do a soft start - all more complicated than they should be, but here is how I would do it... The engine fan output set up and the Fan Req CAN function are unchanged from your above configs. On GP Logic 6 which used to turn on the fan output directly, I have now changed its output pin to "none". I have added a math block labelled "Fan Softstart", this generates a ramping duty cycle whenever GP Logic 6 becomes active. To explain the important bits of the math expression "min((cnt(a)*0.5),100)", the "0.5" is how much the DC increases per 10mS, so 0.5 means you would get to 100% in 2seconds. Use a smaller value to ramp up speed slower. The "100" is the maximum DC we want to use. I have then added GP Function 7, labelled "Fan Control". This has the engine fan pin assigned as the output. For the condition I have set "Fan Softstart >10", this means it will turn on the fan output whenever the mathblock is commanding more than 10%DC. Effectively this is the minimum DC you want your Fan to start ramping from. You need to also set a suitable frequency in this GP function, I have set it to 200Hz in this example which will work for most fans. Then assign the "Fan Softstart>Status" as the Duty parameter in this GP Function.
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