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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. Sounds like it is more a trigger issue than a lack of ignition energy. What is the ecu? Can you attach a log and your tune.
  2. Yes, it needs to be above 1.5V for one state and below 1.0V for the other state. So you need to get all the "ON" voltages lower. 4 diodes in series should do it. On our S6 plug-in the AC Request signal uses a 2.4V zener diode (backwards) and a weak path to ground, as below. But my diode theory is not strong enough to say this will work for your voltages - so use at your own risk. Our notes say on the S6 the AC request signal varies between 1.5 & 2.6V depending on fan speed so yours is a little different.
  3. But an 04 Forrester is not an 04 WRX that those jumpers were designed for... Is your ignition switch signal on pin D14 or D15?
  4. One the engine you want to pull the map out of, connect laptop, go to >file>save as, name the map and save it. On the engine you want to load the map into, connect laptop, >file >open, click yes when it asks if you want to load the map into the ecu, click yes again when it asks you if you want to do a store. But Im very skeptical if you should be touching the tune on an aircraft if you dont even know the very basics. There are so many potential safety issues I dont even want to think about it... This should really be an experienced dealer that is getting it set up and tuned for you.
  5. In your diagram above, D16 is the ground for the relay, not "power". On the Link ecu this main relay ground signal will be on either pin D17 if your jumpers are set "04" or D16 if your jumpers are set to "05-06".
  6. Your log is missing all the diagnostic parameters. Can you go to logging setup, down the bottom of the screen click "add all", then do us another log.
  7. They can read accurately up to 10lambda (147:1 AFR), so 38afr doesn’t necessarily mean something is wrong. Give us a log so we can look for clues. Any chance there is an exhaust leak? Does the wastegate dump back into the exhaust?
  8. I think those fault codes are just old ones as your TPS appears to be working correctly in one of your logs. If you clear them (E key) do they come back?
  9. Adamw

    Injectors weak

    What ecu? What is the resistance of the injectors? It is pretty common for injectors to get stuck shut. Do they actually click louder/open if connect battery straight to them?
  10. No settngs needed for DI9/10 - they just have to be set to off if you want to use CAN2 which it sounds like yours are. Since it is an Xtreme with CAN 2 in the main header plug - no you can connect directly however you like. *Important Note* - you need to update firmware in your ECU - you are on an old version 5.6.4, the LINK MXS CAN stream wasnt added until 5.6.6.
  11. Adamw

    Link CAN Lambda

    It is fine in engine bay or under car too. Mine has been in the engine bay up near the radiator/turbo (evo7) for the last few years without drama.
  12. Set ID to 1000. What you need to connect will depend which ecu you have.
  13. Is it a MXS or a link branded MXS 1.2? The current Link CAN_BUS_BASE_LCC ECU stream in the AIM software is version V02.00.06, so the version .02 you are showing above is quite old. You have to click the "change ECU" button and reselect the new stream version.
  14. It does not have an analog output. All of the common CAN gauges I know of will work. GaugeArt, Perfect tuning, BTI gauges, AEM Xseries, CANchecked are some I know of. The AEMNet gauge is probably the cheapest, but some of the others have some nice alarm functionality and maybe nicer to look at.
  15. That error is not showing in any of your logs, so it must have happened later. I dont see any obvious reason for it, E-throttle duty cycle looks pretty low in all of these logs so it shouldnt be getting hot. We did have a problem in early firmware that we thought we had prevented from happening - this would raise the error flag during power down as the E-throttle IC loses power first. So possibly this can still occur under certain conditions. Can you clear the code and make a point of checking the the CE light is off before turning ign off each time you drive. Then if CE light is flashing on your next start up we can conclude it is still happening on power down and will take a closer look at our last fix.
  16. Yes there are plans for CAN keypad functionality and work has begun on it. Still some time away though, my best guess is 3-4 months.
  17. Contact [email protected] and we will give you some info to get the ecu back to us for inspection.
  18. No that is wrong, these engines donot have what we call VVT (variable valve timing), they are only a switched on/off, two state cam timing. You do not set it up as VVT. Usually the 20V likes it if you switch it on just above idle then off again about 7500. Set it up like this:
  19. I think we would really need to see a log to see whats causing that.
  20. 12K narrow will work the best with that sensor. I havent personally used a Honda sensor before but some of the resonant sensors output quite high voltage levels and may not work well - but I suggest you give it a try and see how it goes.
  21. Most likely, but it doesnt matter anyway, if it doesnt work it is only a matter of swapping the sub/main functions in the Link software. Yes, 400ma supply, it should be enough for at least 30 typical sensors.
  22. What ECU do you have? Can you post a tune and log also.
  23. Yes the ecu connections look ok, I dont have any pinout information for that throttlebody to confirm. Dont forget you will need +5V for the pedal and Gnd for the TPS as well, I dont see those on your list.
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